What do we call you guys now? Sir, Daddy, Master? Or all three?
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What do we call you guys now? Sir, Daddy, Master? Or all three?
Darkstalker32 (July 19th, 2016),Ghost (July 19th, 2016)
Very nice good job guys
CAG NIGHTHAWK (July 19th, 2016),Darkstalker32 (July 19th, 2016)
I'm thinking Super Bad-ass, Sweet Daddy Six.
CAG NIGHTHAWK (July 19th, 2016),Darkstalker32 (July 19th, 2016),Ghost (July 19th, 2016)
Don't be tryna play cool guy around everyone. You know what goes on in those zombie lobbies lmfao hahaha 😂️😂️😂️😘️
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CAG NIGHTHAWK (July 19th, 2016),Darkstalker32 (July 19th, 2016)
Other than us losing by some bullshit Idk what your talking about sir lol
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Ghost (July 19th, 2016)
Darkstalker32 (July 19th, 2016),Ghost (July 19th, 2016),Riddled (July 19th, 2016)