Destiny (post if my misleading title got you to look at a destiny topic you wouldn't normally look at; feel free to cuss me out in your post)
This was one of the better hypothesis backed with (some facts) after trying find info on the new expansion.
Those not wanting to watch a 15min video (here is the short version):
$ Confirmed Poster release shows wall on Earth: speculation is dlc could be liberation of Earth or lead to Liberation of Earth
$ New raid will be fallen themed
$ New DLC will add more hand to hand combat options (Giant flaming Two handed Axe!)
$ Speculation: Part of new DLC will give more areas on Earth (Europe which already has crucible matches)
(Having a brain fart and forgetting a few important topics)
Let us know what I'm missing!
(Don't forget to cuss me out in your post if I got you with the deceitful Title)
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