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Thread: *NEW* Era Destiny CAG DoGG Award

Forum is for Kilo Company Destiny on Xbox 360 & Xbox One.
Group Commander: TBA

  1. #11
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    ok so correct me if I'm wrong.
    If Kilo company is able to get back up and running you want it to be exactly how it was before.
    Kilo company must be structured like the other games for fairness
    Only Leaders will be able to do the CAG DoGG award to ensure their isn't any feedback needed from other members.
    Because a few current members only like playing either PvP or PvE we shouldn't encourage new members to work together even though it would benefit them in the long run. (Remember I don't like PvP either)
    When people in the future come up with new ideas we should shoot it all down without any constructive criticism

    As for the membership thing/rewards it probably never got done because it wasn't a priority for me or anyone else at the time. Or it got revoked due to my absence.
    As for the leadership role thing that was not my intent for what I've been doing. I figured some fresh motivation would get people re-energized about the game again so we could get everything up and running before recruitment opens to prevent some of the issues and bickering that I vaguely remember from last time (3 TBI's are a whole lot of fun when it comes to memory lol)

    So we are clear. I understand that I'm in no position to be a leader and most likely will never ask to be. If at some point you want me to be in a leadership position in the future of course I'll do what is needed of me.

    Hopefuly this will clear up any confusion the both of us have. I just need to know exactly how you all want Kilo company ran, so I can adjust fire with requirements because i must have been firing in someone else's sector lol. My only real concern is if we do everything like we did last time doesn't it increase the chances of it failing again?

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
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  2. #12
    GypsyOutlaw's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by Jgod69 View Post
    ok so correct me if I'm wrong.
    If Kilo company is able to get back up and running you want it to be exactly how it was before. (I never said it had to be the exact same)
    Kilo company must be structured like the other games for fairness ( Would it be fair to let one game to use "score streaks and not the other ao to make it harder for one to attain Marksman than the other)
    Only Leaders will be able to do the CAG DoGG award to ensure their isn't any feedback needed from other members. (All members have a say in weather or not some one is CAG material)
    Because a few current members only like playing either PvP or PvE we shouldn't encourage new members to work together even though it would benefit them in the long run. (Remember I don't like PvP either) (There is a difference in encourage and require and I think I said to have 2 separate requirements to join)
    When people in the future come up with new ideas we should shoot it all down without any constructive criticism (Nothing has been "Shot Down" I thought we were constructively discussing things)

    As for the membership thing/rewards it probably never got done because it wasn't a priority for me or anyone else at the time. Or it got revoked due to my absence. ( I was stating we needed to get you set back up where you left off and if you were intested in a leaership role that you needed to work on a few things)
    As for the leadership role thing that was not my intent for what I've been doing. I figured some fresh motivation would get people re-energized about the game again so we could get everything up and running before recruitment opens to prevent some of the issues and bickering that I vaguely remember from last time (3 TBI's are a whole lot of fun when it comes to memory lol)

    So we are clear. I understand that I'm in no position to be a leader and most likely will never ask to be. If at some point you want me to be in a leadership position in the future of course I'll do what is needed of me.

    Hopefuly this will clear up any confusion the both of us have. I just need to know exactly how you all want Kilo company ran, so I can adjust fire with requirements because i must have been firing in someone else's sector lol. My only real concern is if we do everything like we did last time doesn't it increase the chances of it failing again?
    see red highlights

    The biggest reason Destiny never went any where was not because of the clan, it was the fact the Bungie drooped the ball when it can to updates and the lack there of, as well as the fact the content up until Taken King was not really up to par with what the target audience expected.

    I love Destiny, but they left me wanting with most of the DLC they gave us.

    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
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  3. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to GypsyOutlaw For This Fucking Post:

    CAG JB (July 23rd, 2016),Jgod69 (July 23rd, 2016)

  4. #13
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    That was a cool way to save a lot of time in answering with a qoute instead of rewriting the questions or copy/pasting. I think I had some confusion when Cheech wanted the CAG DoGG done instead of the marksmanship badges. I though he wanted the DoGG award to replace the Marksmanship badges and we use something in place of the marksmanship badges for judging people's promotions (such as Some of the other rewards I think I mentioned in another award thread).

    the reason I was using the word required instead of encouraged was to help people stay busy in between updates so that we didn't have the drop in people being bored. The best example of this that I can think of was the house of wolves Crucible event matches. I think they used and probly still use it to give people something fun to do so they get more time to get an update and I was thinking if we embraced that as a clan everyone would have something to do together just like when a new raid or Hard mode raid comes out it gives the crucible guys something new to do as well. Those were more of what I meant by using the term required combination play so as to keep giving people things to do (plus the combination quests) and the day to day play requirements when some event isn't happening could be loosened but since everyone is already use to helping each other out everyone would be more inclined to help each other than just doing whatever they want.

    my intent with score streaks: again I was thinking of this for the joint CAG DoGG award and it was to have the CAG member who is with the recruit to see if they use their Supers appropriately (saving them for the bigger fights, using them to save other teammates, using them to create orbs for teammates when the team needs a dome ect). The final CAG DoGG requirements were to get a wholistic view of the recruits abilities as well as teamwork skills. If we go to a marksmanship badge like in the other games then I was absolutely wrong if I said the Supers should be allowed to be used in conjunction with weapon kills.

    I think I had a big disconnect from what I thought Cheech wanted for the CAG DoGG award and thinking he wanted it to effectively replace the marksmanship badges in the other games. Then we develop a different award system to allow those members wanting to rank up in CAG a way that promotes the experience/leadership we needed in this game. (Raid leaders, Exotic quest experts, Crucible trainers, Nightfall strike elites).

    but if that wasn't the intent then making two separate marksmanship awards for each play style will be easy since one of them is pretty much done already. The only question I would have for that plan is if everyone has to chose one or will it be possible to get both awards in one game.

    Im hoping with them starting to get their DLC's in the right direction with taken King and starting to catch back up from their bad start; CAG members will have a fun game that doesn't die off again. This is also why some of the awards I proposed in the other thread can actually be pretty hard to get. Then add that to CAG creating weekly events for Destiny and I think we would definitely have a recruitment platform that players would want that Destiny can't provide by itself.

    Think I covered everything except for the member opinions used on new recruits but I was just making it to official when there was already a rule in place (all members have a say in recruits being let in).
    me being a dick about the constructive criticism. I was expecting something out of the over three hours (my fault due to phone dieing and rewriting) spent on justifying my reasons for the award requirements and not everything needing to be changed.

    What I need to continue:
    1) Seperate CAG DoGG reward requirements for play style (PvP/PvE)?
    2) Seperate marksmanship requirements for (PvP/PvE) and can we obtain both for One game?

    anything else I might be missing to get the CAG DoGG award(s) and marksmanship awards completed in the next few days. (Still on vacation until Monday).

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
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  5. #14
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Ok what's the next step?

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
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  6. #15
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    avatar bodyCAG xbl pm*NEW* Era Destiny CAG DoGG Award

    CAG DoGG (Destiny) award:
    (this is For membership ONLY and is not related to marksmanship)

    1. 2 crucible matches with positive K/D wins.
    Must use Two different Sub-classes

    2. 3 heroic strikes (10:1 K/D): must utilize a different Sub-Class on each strike.
    Must utilize different weapon set on each strike
    (primary, secondary and Heavy)

    3. 3 regular strikes (50:1 K/D): recruit may use any gear set or sub class

    (Recruit must have a CAG DoGG member in their team for all requirements, proof of obtaining each requirement will be posted to the forums with CAG DoGG members in game name/forum name)

    (Award can only be achieved with recruit using their Main Guardian so as to show proficiency with that Guardian)

    (CAG DoGG members evaluating recruits should post a reply with recruits proof of achieved requirements)

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
    Experience: 926,055
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