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Thread: *NEW* Era Destiny CAG DoGG Award

Forum is for Kilo Company Destiny on Xbox 360 & Xbox One.
Group Commander: TBA

  1. #1
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    *NEW* Era Destiny CAG DoGG Award

    CAG DoGG (Destiny) award:

    1. 4 crucible matches with positive K/D wins. Must use atleast 2 subclasses.

    2. 2 heroic strikes (10:1 K/D) must utilize a different Sub-Class on each strike.
    Must utilize different weapon set on each strike (primary, secondary and Heavy).

    3. Recruit must obtain a Light Defense of 275 by the end of their 2 week probation.

    4. Recruit must Obtain 2 CAG member recommendations at the end of their probation period.

    (Recruit must have a CAG DoGG member in their team for all requirements, proof of obtaining each requirement will be posted to the forums with CAG DoGG members in game name/forum name)
    (Award can only be achieved with recruit using their Main Guardian so as to show proficiency with that Guardian)
    (Members new to the game can receive a Light Defense extension on a case by case basis)
    (CAG DoGG members evaluating recruits should post a reply with recruits proof of achieved requirements)

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
    Experience: 925,979
    Next Level: 1,000,000

  2. #2
    GypsyOutlaw's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    what if they dont play Crucible

    why do they need a required light leave (we dont have a level req. in any other game here)

    why do they need 2 recommendations (we dont req. this is any other game here)

    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
    Experience: 21,710,521
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  3. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to GypsyOutlaw For This Fucking Post:

    CAG SACRILEGE (July 15th, 2016),Jgod69 (July 15th, 2016)

  4. #3
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    I just spent an hour thoroughly explaining/answering your questions while getting yelled at by the wife and dealing with whiny kids and my phone died FML!!! Lol

    i see that there is an auto save feature but I don't know how to retrieve it. If someone could help me with that (I had about 5 sentences left) I would greatly appreciate it. I'm not sure when I can properly answer/explain your concerns (I guarantee you will appreciate this awards requirements when I can re-do it or if someone can walk me through retrieving my previous work or if it's possible for a moderator to post what I lost (which will thoroughly answer your concerns) and I will finish the post as well as address any new concerns.

    If I need to redo it I'm going to wait until I can get on my laptop (I'm on a family trip right now to help one of our military families move because they got surprise orders and have 5 small children). It might be a few days but I'll try to stay up late tonight if the wife aggro isn't to bad and get it done tonight.

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
    Experience: 925,979
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  5. #4
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Leader and Founder of CAG

    To retrieve hit the 3 dots on top right corner...then choose will then give you the option to insert your saved draft

    Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  6. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    Jgod69 (July 15th, 2016)

  7. #5
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Think I lost it or just to blind to find the 3 dots (anything like taking the red pill or blue pill?)

    Ok so lets re-do this whole thing (I doubt it will be as good as the last one but lets give it a shot.

    Gypsy I'm glad you asked about this award,

    My vision of this award: First line of defense to weed out troublemakers and show immature gamers that all aspects of the game are important not just the parts that they are good at (PvP/PvE this will be the theme for most of this justification paper)

    The "NEW' era Kilo company will stress the importance of a team atmosphere and mitigate toxic behavior (Not helping a group of people because its not your favorite play style). Destiny has started bridging the gap between PvP and PvE by making some of its most important Quests (Top gear rewards) require you to play in both play styles which will only increase with the Fall expansion. The old separation of the 2 play styles is obsolete and a new combined forces organization (every squad with players from both play styles) is required.

    Why Not having a team mentality in this game is toxic to the unit: Lets say you have a Crucible team missing one person for a Crucible event going on and a PvE(only) player comes on and refuses to help the other 5 crucible players to go farm to upgrade his gear. The next day the same PvE player needs those crucible players to help him to get his Quest requirements...
    Lets flip the coin.
    You have a PvE raid team looking for one more person to start a raid that was created to help new members get gear to put the raid on farm status (Raid farm status: The team is a well oiled machine that can get through the raid with minimal effort). A PvP only player comes on line and blows off requests to help in the Raid to go grind Crucible matches. Next day the weekly reset happens and the same Crucible player wants the same Raid players he blew off to help him get the Raid done for the week...
    (All seemingly not a big deal but toxic behavior that over time erodes the Team atmosphere that is increasingly needed for this game)

    Nerd Fact: (Only reason I'm giving this info out is because it might give you some re-assurance that I know what I'm talking about) for approximately 3 years until my first deployment I was either in or in charge of the top raiding guild in Everquest 2 on the server I played in (yes it is ok to start laughing and pick on me about this in the future). Some of the raids in that game required a much larger group of people than Destiny raids that could take multiple (4+ hours a day) and you still couldn't complete them in a week until you got them on farm status (which could take weeks of this process).
    The only reason I am giving you this embarrassing detail of my life is because to keep a top raiding guild together people must work together to help each other get stronger. This means when someone logs on they get with the other CAG members online to figure out what is the best way to get the group stronger and not just blow them off because its not your playstyle and you want to go farm nodes to upgrade a new piece of gear you just got. (yes their was PvP as well as PvE)

    Now that you kinda know where my head is at lets get to answering your questions:

    What if they don't play Crucible?
    Short answer: Then they aren't the players we want in Kilo company because the game developers are requiring combination play for Top quest rewards which are needed to be effective in any "End Game Content". Also that mindset erodes the team atmosphere we already said was required to get in.

    (I personally am burned out on all PvP games from playing too much Call of Duty and Halo)
    Long Answer: The Crucible requirements were intended to break up the mind numbing "Strike" requirements from the past, identify which recruits were good at PvP for future Squad placements, start training those not good at PvP for future Crucible events and see how they adapt with the class change/weapon change requirements. When people do things they don't really want to do but can realize it is best for the overall team... those are the people we need for this game.

    Why the Light Level?
    Short Answer: It's easy, shows slight dedication and we need everyone over 280 light just open all the Strike material (3 person PvE).

    Long Answer:
    Most people in the game right now already have at least one Guardian that exceeds this requirement due to the 1:1 infusion system (taking a high light level blue(Rare) piece and increasing the light level of your Favorite purple(Legendary) or yellow(exotic piece) for a small fee. Completing the current expansion quest material will get you to or very near the max Guardian level and around 240 light. It took me about 4 days to get max guardian level and over 300 light and I wasted high light gear due to not reading how the new system worked. If recruits aren't willing to give minimal effort (I personally will help power level anyone and we most likely will have medals for it in the future to ensure everyone knows its importance) to get to the point where we can backpack them through the strikes then we don't need/want them.
    Pro tip: (If you buy the current expansion it gives you an item that instantly takes a guardian to level 25)

    Why do we need recruits to get 2 CAG member recommendations by the end of their 2 week probation?
    (going to try and do this with just the short answer due to me being able to talk about this for way to long)

    Short answer: It is a tool the leadership will be able to use to get feedback from multiple sources about the recruit. Will help NEW CAG members from pushing potentially toxic recruits through the system (which helps the leadership from having to deal with as many personnel issues), Keeps CAG members accountable for their votes (intended to help keep toxic players out which is why you need 2 votes and will not be used for infractions). More importantly it allows the members to have a voice about the people they will inherently spend hours of their lives with. (This will also not be used for "power tripping" new recruits)

    In conclusion: Yes it is different but it all has its purpose. Put recruits in the right mindset (Standard) from the beginning, weed out toxic behavior before it gets in and Grow a team atmosphere where everyone understands/appreciates the importance of a combination squad playstyle.
    We can not do any of this if we don't have Kilo company ready in all aspects (leadership, organization, membership requirements, awards, medals, recruitment plan) before we actually open up recruitment. We also need a raid team that can clear the current raid material or we lose an important recruiting tool and legitimacy as a Destiny Clan.

    Hope this helps and my apologies for not getting this done sooner. Please post any other questions you may have.

    More importantly if I answered your questions fully and you agree with the majority of the justification paper, please let me know as well.

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
    Experience: 925,979
    Next Level: 1,000,000

  8. #6
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Just wanted to see what everyone thinks should be worked on next so I can get some more admin work done before I get home next week.

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
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  9. #7
    GypsyOutlaw's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Well I am an avid Destiny player with 3 335 characters on Xbox and now working on Destiny on PS4

    And I don't not play PvP in this game and will not play PvP in this game as a lot of other people fell the same so does that make me a toxic player and don't need to be in CAG???

    I do not think we should be exclude a person from the clan just because they do not play PvP or vice versa

    The light level should NEVER be an issue if it.Is so easy to light up so why have a requirement

    And if the leadership is doing their jobs then they are playing with potential members and don't need feed back from others to make a decision

    So I guess in conclusion you still have not convinced me we need to set these specific requirements in Destiny

    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
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  10. #8
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    All that reading after coming home from work really brain fucked me ...I will have to read this when I have a clear head ...
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  11. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    CAG NIGHTHAWK (July 20th, 2016),xPARCHx (July 20th, 2016)

  12. #9
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    I think you took me the wrong way which happens to me all the time. I can write with more cut and dry terminology than it would come out in person. (When you write AR's). However I don't know how to do it any other way unless you split everything completely up between the two play styles completely and no ones allowed to get butt hurt if the other side doesn't help you.
    I hate all PvP games but you still need PVP to complete some of the quests and if you might just want some really good piece of gear. Or change the wording from mandatory to recommended but again tell everyone no butt hurts...

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
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  13. #10
    GypsyOutlaw's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    you can have 2 separate requirements for Marksman as COD you can play different game styles

    I just dont think we need to tell some one who does not play PVP they have to play it and vice versa

    as for using sub-classes in Destiny this is basically a score streak which no other game allows the use of any kill score streak or explosives and such.. it has to be all gun kills for the Marksman so I think we need to stay along those lines in Destiny as well

    I think we need to keep things along the same playing grounds as the others so we can be fair to every one in the clan

    also we need to figure out your status in the clan as you are not listed as a full member but only a registered user

    I have read your reason for your absence and completely understand but we need to see where you left off so we can place you back to where you left off

    I see your original Application date as Jan 2,15 and you earned your Marksman and you made it in as a member but your last post before your absence was Jan 27,15 and then you returned around 2 weeks ago

    by this you should have received your Marksman, Dogg Ribbon, and Rifleman Billet for becoming a full member so we need to see about getting those back to you

    Unfortunately, the short amount of time you were active before the absence is not enough for you to hold a Leadership role yet, but that does not stop you from helping get the Requirements set in place, nor does it stop you from recruiting people. By doing this it will help you earn a leaders role in Destiny.

    So lets keep working these requirements out and get them set and you can start recruiting in game and on any site that promotes Destiny

    Show us what you can do with Destiny and we will go from there.

    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
    Experience: 21,710,521
    Next Level: 22,308,442

  14. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to GypsyOutlaw For This Fucking Post:

    Jgod69 (July 20th, 2016),xPARCHx (July 20th, 2016)

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