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Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
Apparently blops is out right now. Reddit is trying to point fingers. Ones called Poodlecorps, so I thought I'd share the hilarity.
Only PS4 side.
It's here
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I dropped a pretty penny but I tell you what it's worth it. I sat on my 150 dollar chair that makes noises and I sat on this one. Just the bottom part and you can feel the difference. They have a lifetime warranty for the frame and a 2 year for everything else. It came with a rip but I already spoke with the lady and they on it already.
I got red because I have a red pc lol but they got mad Colors. I mean hey that's we work right to play like a boss lmao
EuphoricEruption (August 29th, 2016),PATRON (August 29th, 2016),SoulCaster05 (August 29th, 2016)
SoulCaster05 (August 29th, 2016)
I'm online, doing things I'm probably not supposed to be doing. Don't judge me. Get a job, go to sleep.
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