Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 12th, 2016),Lambjimb0 (August 12th, 2016)
Back from Mex. 😊.. My babys baptism is tomorrow soo probably start getting on more around Mondayish..
☺tried skimming through the forums anything in particular I should read first.. 🙃
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Batman_OnA_Stick (August 12th, 2016),Lambjimb0 (August 12th, 2016),Randuken (August 13th, 2016),xPARCHx (August 12th, 2016)
Awww wonderful milestone for you and your baby Look forward to catching up with you soon. Nothing too pressing for you to catch up on except the addition of new clan medals for BLOPS3. Check 'em out on the award page!
SoulCaster05 (August 13th, 2016)
Batman, why would you give up Batman?
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 13th, 2016)
So glad Batman found a home! Awesome article.
xPARCHx (August 14th, 2016)
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 14th, 2016),Riddled (August 14th, 2016),xPARCHx (August 14th, 2016)
SoulCaster05 (August 15th, 2016)
When my manager asks if I want to pick up some hours ... I'm like yea
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