Here's Bravo's MIA thread!
Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
Here's Bravo's MIA thread!
Batman_OnA_Stick (July 27th, 2016)
Wide awake and ready to roll Bravo!!
PATRON (July 30th, 2016)
Still holding it down all these hours later
I don't belive you.
You never know. Sometimes. Maybe. Always.
Just throwing it out there. Tomorrow, I'm looking to tackle the newly released badges for blops 3. I'm hoping for atleast 2 others to roll with. More and likely just HTDM. Cause I'm not looking to wait for the other modes to be figured out. I'd like to get the Mm finished and even work out some SS. So get to bed early, don't expect me to be up that early...but be ready.
PATRON (August 1st, 2016)
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