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Thread: Destiny Restart

Forum is for Kilo Company Destiny on Xbox 360 & Xbox One.
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  1. #11
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Ok so some of the badges I was thinking about that could replace the importance of the marksman badges would be:
    1) Raid leader badge: (Probably the most important due to the fact if someone can do this properly they will need to know just about every aspect of the game) requirements: be able to organize a complete CAG raid team without assistance from leadership. Know what is necessary for each/every raid and ensure every member has the requirements before starting the raid. Be able to complete each/every raid in a timely manner for grind runs or during training runs be able to effectively teach each part of the raid. ( I would not be even close to obtaining this as of right now due to little experience with the new raid and its increased complexity compared to all raids before it)

    2) Quest Expert (needs better name): has completed all story quests which includes all game content minus rotating faction quests (the daily revolving quests you get at the reef or tower because they are self explanatory)

    3) Quest Master: (All the above) is able to help other members with all quests including all exotic quests (must be able to help with the fastest possible way to get all quests completed; an example of this would be knowing the best area to farm for a quest requirement). This could easily be checked by having them run a new member/someone who needs the quest done for the qualification. (Probably require an NCO/someone already with the badge to accompany them)

    (During a night strike if all members die and can't revive each other it kicks you back into space making you start from the beginning)

    4) Night Strike badge: be able to complete Night strike without dieing and atleast 50 kills in full CAG team (teammates are not allowed to backpack people for this badge; meaning they can't sit back and just revive the other 2 while they clear the strike)

    5) Night strike Army of One: be able to complete the night strike all by yourself with atleast 100 kills (kill quota is so that they can't just cheese it)

    6) Raid warrior badge: obtain the highest possible Light score which as far as I know can only be done with completing the raid several times. (This is kind of like the army PT expert badge and they lose the badge 14 days after the Light ceiling is raised)

    7) Exotic hoarder: obtain Exotic pieces of gear in the game (badge is lost 30 days after new exotics are released) for one class of character.

    8) King Midas: Obtain "EVERY" exotic for all 3 character classes. (That's a lot of work)

    9) Crucible marksman: Maintain a K/D ratio of (I'm not sure what these numbers should be because I'm not a big PvP guy on this game)
    10) Crucible sharpshooter: same as above but harder to obtain
    11) Crucible Expert: same as above but much harder
    (I was thinking of it this way with overall K/D due to not everyone wanting to play crucible in this game and would not require an additional CaG teammate to watch them obtain this)

    (As for PvE marksmanship badge requirements if deemed necessary: Nightfall strikes "ONLY" and should be based on speed of completion and not actual kills due to the amount of variables between the strikes. There should already be stats on the Destiney website the fastest completion times per individual Night strike that we could easily create badge requirements based on the strikes worldwide best times. (Obviously this will be a team effort instead of individual and the team would need to be tracked so that any other teams cannot have more than one person on the team can have a higher badge than the other 2. This will not only help new members make new teams to practice with but will also ensure 2 good/great players aren't backpacking every new member to get them the badge. After writing this I think this should be the substitute for the marksmanship badges and be called something else.

    (wrote this on zero sleep and after driving for 8 hours so please excuse mistakes like me calling something that has a different name and grammar)

    I have a few other ideas that can be added or substituted but I wanted to see your thoughts on these so I can adjust fire or further build out what is here with any CaG requirements I'm missing.

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
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  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Jgod69 For This Fucking Post:

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  3. #12
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    As soon as I get back from this trip I will help anyone that needs power leveling. If you already have a level 33/34 character finishing the new content quests will get you to lv 40 or so close that a couple of strikes would get you there and some new gear.

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
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    Darkstalker32 (July 9th, 2016)

  5. #13
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Cheech I don't know how to make the medals but if someone has the time to show me how I can atleast make some rough drafts for someone to fine tune which I would hope would save time.

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
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  7. #14
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    JB, after writing some of this out I think we need a marksmanship for PvP and an equivalent (discussed in my badge post in this forum) for PvE. Also after writing What we could do if this game gives an unfair advantage for having 2 marksmanship badge opportunities (PvP:PvE separate badges) then we could just limit everyone to only having one of the badges making them decide which one they think they have the best skill set to achieve.
    (if I'm not making any sense it's due to zero sleep and driving 8 hours so if I need to expand this thought please let me know)

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
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    Darkstalker32 (July 9th, 2016)

  9. #15
    CAG ToxicBob's Avatar
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    Take a look at what was finalized for the division could be do something similar the games are a little different but same concept.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  10. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG ToxicBob For This Fucking Post:

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  11. #16
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Thanks! How is the division game? Buddy of mine is trying to get me to start playing it.

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
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    Darkstalker32 (July 9th, 2016)

  13. #17
    CAG ToxicBob's Avatar
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    It's good a lot like destiny just in New York City instead of space

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  14. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG ToxicBob For This Fucking Post:

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  15. #18
    Jgod69's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    I'll have to try it out when I get back home. I'm just burnt out on straight up PvP (COD, Halo ect) because we played it so damn much in the army during downtime so I thought division was probably just the same old thing. (Not to disrespect people that like those games I'm just burnt out on them. Now a days )

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
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  16. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Jgod69 For This Fucking Post:

    Darkstalker32 (July 9th, 2016)

  17. #19
    Darkstalker32's Avatar
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    Jgod69 if you need/want help to gather information to present in a final draft let me know.

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  18. #20
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    There still needs to be something that recruits need to complete in terms of requirements to get a medal or badge to become an official clan member...that's first n foremost

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    cag clan cheechdogg

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  19. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    CAG JB (July 10th, 2016)

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