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Thread: Request a V Company Meeting

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  1. #11
    Destroyer ned's Avatar
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    no i mean indormation thats not yet out there and meby there isnt any but i can not see that. Frank whats to schedule a meeting to and i quote 'I would love for all the leadership from V Company to get together and get all our ducks in a row so we are more efficient' well the leadership isnt active on the moment, so to have a effective meeting replacments fot those that are missing should be appointed and mate clear. And maby this is already done but i am missing it then, i know JB is assisting Gimini but now i see others get more involved in victor comp. officer stuff. i am not seeing this is wrong but i dont think its something good either. Let me be cleare i am happy somebody is doing it but in my opinion the start of the 'getting our ducks in a row' is with a clear and understandeble roster and chain of command and i lost it completly.

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  2. #12
    Khaylius's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    I'm in. Just let me know when the Italian-time-meeting would happen

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  3. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Khaylius For This Fucking Post:

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  4. #13
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    So im going to lay it out here in black and white right here and right now.

    Todays my last day off work before I have to head back,my normal routine sees me not being able to get online on my last day off due to having to be up at 4am to be in work for 5am so therefore needing to go to bed early.

    I get a Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday off work(3 days).Within these 3 days I have to fit time for daily life chores which if you have kids under the age of 10 and 5 is demanding at the best of time and adds to it all.Also alongside this is the most important thing and thats giving my family "my time and attention".

    Same thing with work,no one wants to go to work and thrash their guts out and then on their days off feel like they are carrying out a second job or be presented with chaos when all they should be doing is dealing with life and relaxing on their days off.

    For the past two days,my last two days off for that matter I have spent a scrupulous amount of time dealing with issues within Victor Company.Issues both on a Company level and and individual members level also.

    Just to list a few -

    Helped SECJay with editing via tapatalk so he can manage his Victor Company rosters which hes very grateful of.

    Spent the past two days talking with FrankCastle,answering questions and giving guidance which i know hes grateful of also.

    Spent the past two talking with Destroyer Ned about issues within the Company and the latest promotion of FrankCastle.

    Started the ball rolling with reaching out to Victors CO CAG Gemini (again I will not go into detail what has been said as its personal to Gemini himself)

    While speaking with those above bare in mind too that I have been continually discussing and trying to work things out on a Victor Company level also on the forums.Just because one cannot see a discussion doesn't mean to say that its not happening in other stated above,discussions like reaching out to Victors CO are discussions that may lead to high end decisions being made and therefore happen at a high level within the clans forums ie Generals only forums.Should any decisions be made the Company will be updated accordingly.

    So as you all can see the past two days have been clan,clan and more clan for me with home life being pushed to the side.

    Quite a few times iv heard this from quite a few Generals within CAG,I know CheechDogg has said this many times also.When someone puts their time and work in with CAG and gets to those high ranks within CAG ie General they have more than earned their right to kick back,chill and game.For me that doesn't happen,I am the type of person that will help anyone out that I can,I will spend time with those junior members below me,talking with them to sort issues and answer questions or gaming with them to work on awards, but at times I feel that my attitude of helping and assisting is being taken advantage of especially when I have put my time in and its dragging me away from spending time with my family.

    I'm not going to sugar coat anything hear as everyone within Victor Company needs to damn well hear it.

    Its more than evident that Victor Company needs to pull its damn socks up.Every single member within the Company needs to set personal feelings aside and work towards what the hell they are here for,the betterment of Victor Company and CAG overall.This will only be achieved through working together and I have yet to see any of that.

    All I have seen to date is bickering,fighting,drama or things that could quite easily lead to drama and quite frankly iv have had and seen enough of this bullshit.IT STOPS NOW!!!

    We are all adults here working towards the same overall goal for fucks sake.Unless things change I will no longer shed the time that I find precious to me at home with family to sort out problems between members especially when the they themselves should be able to work that shit out themselves.As always I am always available for guidance,questions or advice.

    Currently within Victor Co. Chain of command we have 3 Fireteam Leaders,2 Squad leaders,1 platoon sergeant and the Company Commander.

    Think its time Victor Company as a whole (and I mean everyone here) kicks their ass into gear,works together towards forums activity and progressing and cuts out all this bullshit drama.

    As can be seen above the potential with Chain of Command is there so put it to action and make it happen!!!!!!!
    Last edited by CAG JB; June 23rd, 2016 at 02:29 AM.
    CAG JB

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  5. The Following 5 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    BIG COUNTRY (June 23rd, 2016),CAG SACRILEGE (June 23rd, 2016),Chet Norris (June 24th, 2016),Riddled (June 23rd, 2016),SECJay (June 24th, 2016)

  6. #14
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    Very well said buddy! I can always be reached via the forums or tapatalk to help resolve any issues, concerns or questions one might have.

    Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk

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  7. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG SACRILEGE For This Fucking Post:

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  8. #15
    FrankCastle's Avatar
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    Thanks JB for all you have done for Victor Company. You know I appreciate you and your time. Sac thanks for offering to help out. I appreciate it.JB I hope you feel better too. I know you were under the weather.

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  9. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to FrankCastle For This Fucking Post:

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  10. #16
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    Any update on who all can be present at this meeting.
    All leadership needs to throw in their two cents on weather they will be attending and a timeframe that suits so that CAG FrankCastle can organise a suitable time and date for the majority to be there??
    CAG JB

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  11. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    CAG SACRILEGE (June 24th, 2016)

  12. #17
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    Im In, Wow I didn't really know a lot of this was going on. I rarely see anyone on CST time zone Just me Stormy and CAG King Onyx. I would love to attend a meeting just to connect if nothing else. No way I can make a Monday at 2:00 CST as I work Day Shift. Even 6 at night is early I know I will get a eye roll from the wife if I leave the dinner table to get on the X1. I would be down for a 7-8:00 CST the Later the Better for me.

    (I'm in the just Shut up and Play camp) if I can't make a meeting due to a early time
    Just Win Baby!

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  13. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Chet Norris For This Fucking Post:

    Khaylius (June 27th, 2016)

  14. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Chet Norris View Post
    Im In, Wow I didn't really know a lot of this was going on. I rarely see anyone on CST time zone Just me Stormy and CAG King Onyx. I would love to attend a meeting just to connect if nothing else. No way I can make a Monday at 2:00 CST as I work Day Shift. Even 6 at night is early I know I will get a eye roll from the wife if I leave the dinner table to get on the X1. I would be down for a 7-8:00 CST the Later the Better for me.

    (I'm in the just Shut up and Play camp) if I can't make a meeting due to a early time

    Dont worry about it Chet,overall within CAG its hard to hold a meeting and have everyone relevant there as some people always have something crop up.
    When a meetings held within CAG irrelevant of Company Higher leadership expect to see a record of meeting notes and things that where discussed as well as any decisions possibly being made.Meeting notes keep everyone in the loop and are good for communication.
    CAG JB

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  15. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    Chet Norris (June 24th, 2016),Destroyer ned (June 24th, 2016),FrankCastle (June 24th, 2016)

  16. #19
    FrankCastle's Avatar
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    I think we can push the 2nd meeting for 9PM EST if that helps. Anyone else?

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  17. #20
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    So that's what GMT Castle I want in on the meetings being platoon sergeant

    My Best Friend Gave Me The Best Advice He Said Each Day Is A Gift & Not A Given Right

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