no i mean indormation thats not yet out there and meby there isnt any but i can not see that. Frank whats to schedule a meeting to and i quote 'I would love for all the leadership from V Company to get together and get all our ducks in a row so we are more efficient' well the leadership isnt active on the moment, so to have a effective meeting replacments fot those that are missing should be appointed and mate clear. And maby this is already done but i am missing it then, i know JB is assisting Gimini but now i see others get more involved in victor comp. officer stuff. i am not seeing this is wrong but i dont think its something good either. Let me be cleare i am happy somebody is doing it but in my opinion the start of the 'getting our ducks in a row' is with a clear and understandeble roster and chain of command and i lost it completly.