These promotions are reflective of us as a unit, so congrats to everyone in Bravo.
Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
These promotions are reflective of us as a unit, so congrats to everyone in Bravo.
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 15th, 2016)
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 15th, 2016),xPARCHx (August 16th, 2016)
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 16th, 2016),xPARCHx (August 15th, 2016)
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 16th, 2016),CAG CheechDogg (August 16th, 2016)
I'd like to congrats SoulCaster05, GuavaCakes, Freemanjv9, for being awesome and stepping up to the challenges around us. They've all been promoted to Lance Corporal', by completing their Sharpshooter. We appreciate the effort and dedication, and look forward to many more moments such as this to celebrate.
I'd also like to add another congratulations to SoulCaster05, as her billet has been upgraded to Fireteam Leader. She's got the skills to pay the bills, when it comes to offering a helping hand. Even with a CAG Jr on her hands, she finds the time for all of us, and I'm looking forward to seeing further growth from her, and the lucky people she'll push forward.
Congrats everyone, good work. Keep giving it your all, and have a good one.
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 26th, 2016),CAG JB (August 25th, 2016),GuavaCakes (August 25th, 2016),Randuken (August 25th, 2016),SoulCaster05 (August 25th, 2016),xPARCHx (August 26th, 2016)
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 26th, 2016)
Congrats people,good to see you guys pressing forward
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SoulCaster05 (August 25th, 2016)
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