Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
Batman_OnA_Stick (June 30th, 2016),Lambjimb0 (June 30th, 2016)
Batman_OnA_Stick (June 30th, 2016)
Hell yeh congrats
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It is with great honor that I announce two major promotions within Bravo Company.
Randuken has been entrusted with the duties of 1st Lt. with the billet of Company XO. Not only does he bring an
enourmous amount of clan and game knowledge, he has undeniable leadership skills. These attributes will not only strengthen Bravo, but CAG, in general.
Lambjimb0 has been promoted to the rank of 2nd Lt. with the billet of 1st Platoon Commander for Bravo Co. He has shown excellent knowledge of the forms, in game discipline, and willingness to do what is asked of him since his first day in the clan.
I am very proud of these two guys and expect nothing but their best moving forward. Let this be an example of where hard work can bring you as a member of this community. I know they will continue to work their ass to ensure that our company and clan moves forward in the best possible direction.
CAG CheechDogg (August 15th, 2016),CAG NIGHTHAWK (August 15th, 2016),Lambjimb0 (August 14th, 2016),Randuken (August 15th, 2016),Riddled (August 15th, 2016),xPARCHx (August 14th, 2016)
Thanks Bat, the chemistry between us in Bravo truly shows. It almost feels like when I started last year. I don't think but I believe that's a key for maintaining not only CAG but the company afloat. We have some projects in the works for Bravo to gain it's swagger back into the mix of things. In the time I've been here you've shown your willing to listen to others. I'm always learning too everyday even after being in the clan for 6 years.
Shoutout to Jimbo for taking the reigns of Platoon Commander, some may say it's the hardest job but you've got myself, bert, bat & parchie to help out if needed but we'll always have your back. Remember kids "teamwork makes the dreamwork"
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 15th, 2016),xPARCHx (August 15th, 2016)
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 15th, 2016),xPARCHx (August 15th, 2016)
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 15th, 2016),xPARCHx (August 15th, 2016)
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