Congrats randy
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Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
Congrats Rand, it was only a matter of time
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Good shit buddy!
Take a good look at your profile before you go accusing people of backstabbing Davies.You still hold the rank of Corporal so therefore there was no demotion.
How ever I do understand that it was at a request to remove the billet you held as you where currently dealing with thing within your own life and therefore couldn't carry out your duties required.
Rank and billets are two separate things,the rank you earn like anyone else and unless something serious happens or infractions get handed out then no one can demote you.
The billet is the description of the duties that come with the rank held ie fireteam leader,squad leader etc etc
So let me ask you this for the better of the clan and your bravo company overall is it not better to have someone holding a billet that can carry out the duties asked???
PATRON (June 21st, 2016)
Ok so before you went on vacation you held the rank of Corporal and just to clarify to date now,on your very own profile it still states that you hold the rank of corporal.So again how have you been demoted from rank???
Look at it for yourself Davies,its on your profile.
Here you are Davie's, copied right from Batman's personal request from the old Bravo Company promotions thread -
Congratulations are in order for CAG_Davies. Due to his unwavering loyalty to CAG and his hard work within Bravo Company, he has been promoted to the rank of Corporal with the Billet of Platoon Sergeant.
I think its fair to say your rank hasn't changed at all.
This was posted on the 31st of May!
CAG JB (June 21st, 2016)
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