Looks like we have four guys going towards the end of their two weeks and haven't posted a marksman game. Reach out to those guys ASAP. Make sure they are getting games in.
Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
Looks like we have four guys going towards the end of their two weeks and haven't posted a marksman game. Reach out to those guys ASAP. Make sure they are getting games in.
Batman_OnA_Stick (July 19th, 2016)
So exactly who should I reach out to? A few guys surpassed their two weeks.
Last night, I hit them all up. Since I've yet to play with any. I told them sup, and asked where they stood. Got a couple replies. Need to talk with Randuken and the others
Batman_OnA_Stick (July 20th, 2016)
I expect this thread to be maintained on a daily basis or at the bare minimum every other day. As soon as a recruit puts their application in, their name better be on this list. This is so the squad leader and fire team leaders can have a reference point to help recruits get through marksman games.
Complete the following things ASAP.
Go through the CoD applications and remove all recruits that have been denied.
Add all new recruits that have applied.
Check the list and put in the request to process any members that have made it to the end of their two weeks.
Alert your squad leader about the recruits that are still in need of obtaining their marksman badge so he can get his fire team leaders into lobbies with those members.
These tasks are expected to be completed in a timely manner. If you will be MIA please post in the appropriate thread so these tasks can be completed by someone else while you are away. Thank you.
SoulCaster05 (July 24th, 2016)
I've completed most if not all the tasks on Monday. We only have 3 recruits and Purgah was taken care of.
I took some extra hours today (headed home now) I'll see if any new applications were submitted as soon as I get on my pc.
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Believe you're missin quite a few recruits on the list. Off the top of my head here are some that need to be on the list.
Also I do appreciate the extra time spent to update this list.
Both SilentKiller & Monsterkid must be under another name because I can't find it when I search their username. I've looked through the applications & new user threads. Looks like I will have to get with Jimbo to ensure these recruits are putting their PSN ID's as their usernames on the websites.
SkullAssasin's 2 weeks are up. I've put in a request for Bert to request his awards
Last edited by Batman_OnA_Stick; October 7th, 2016 at 03:25 PM.
Batman_OnA_Stick (July 28th, 2016),Lambjimb0 (July 28th, 2016),Randuken (July 28th, 2016)
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