Today or this week would've been technically my 6th year on my old account. 6 years in a community I called home but it hasn't been that way. For those of you who don't me personally. I'm Randy a 6 year veteran of CAG. Believe it or not I've grown in the 6 years I've been here. I've grown to open up as a person and let others whom I don't know in my life.
As a person, human being I've made mistakes in believing other peoples bullshit how the grass is greener. That was or hasn't been the case. I've left CAG 3 times and at or during those times I honestly didn't know what I wanted outta of it. I wanted to make a difference and fullfill my purpose here in this "Family". As a man I can admit my mistakes front and center. My father has always told me everything happens for a reason.
I want to give Combat Applications Group thanks for allowing me to grow, open up and be myself also opening the doors once again. I've learned ways to deal with issues amongt members or even friends outside of CAG. My passion is motivation and I feed off it. I consider a lot of you as friends more than the ones I hang out on a daily basis. Writing a 1000 apologetic letters won't cut it and perhaps one day I hope we'll be able to share a beer together and laugh & be at awe about the time in CAG. It holds a spot in my heart. When people ask me whom I'm talking to I say their my 2nd family.
I'm not leaving ever. Even after 3 times I've really saw how people have accepted me back. I can't go back and redo the past but I can prevent it from the future. This post is simply to say Thank You CAG for 6 amazing awesome years and here's to 6 more. Gaming is my 2nd greatest gift my 1st ?
These four bundles of joy who when is life has me down gives me courage to get back up & dust everything off.