Hey everyone,
I am new here and just wanted to see who was on ps4 for black ops 3 so that I could go ahead and get everyone added on to my friends list that need to be added on. Much appreciated. Also my psn Id is Tracere1.
Discuss all topics concerning the Black Ops series here
Hey everyone,
I am new here and just wanted to see who was on ps4 for black ops 3 so that I could go ahead and get everyone added on to my friends list that need to be added on. Much appreciated. Also my psn Id is Tracere1.
Batman_OnA_Stick (June 15th, 2016),PATRON (June 15th, 2016)
Welcome to CAG! I will be on around 5 pm today. If you're on around the same time we definitely should get some games in.
My PSN ID is Batman_OnA_Stick
Idk if you've looked at your application since putting it in but there's a pelt with a list of people to add on PS4. Here's a quick run down of the guys on it.
PATRON (June 15th, 2016)
Batman_OnA_Stick (June 15th, 2016)
When I get on tonight I will be adding any people on ps4 for black ops 3. Also what time zone are yall in?
And I do apologize for not being able to get on until later on at night but i work 12 hour shift at my job... I do apologize
PATRON (June 15th, 2016)
Awesome, I look forward to my tryouts and to being a part of CAG
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Add me Randuken I'll most likely not be on since I work early tomorrow but I'll see how it goes depends what time I'm off work.
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