I run Member of the month very simple. The TOP 10 posters get nominated excluding myself and Cheech. I exclude myself because I do not think the host should have a chance to win and I exclude Cheech because he does automatic posts. Also, past winners can not be nominated at this time. That being said, everyone else is free to win.
You can not use Tapatalk on this thread. Tapatalk is a 3rd party app that does not support voting. You MUST login using a web browser and vote. DO NOT post your votes at the bottom as I will not update the votes like I did in the past.
So without further a do, here are your NOMINEES:
1. CAG_Davies
2. Mr Randuken
3. CAG FrankCastle
4. CAG Ghost
5. DizzleDaddy
6. Lambjimb0
8. bertushead
10. SECJay