Just heard about the shooting in Orlando.Thoughts go out to the families of the 50 people who lost their lives to this terroristic act.
Anyone within CAG that lives in Orlando or is visiting Orlando I hope your safe!
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Just heard about the shooting in Orlando.Thoughts go out to the families of the 50 people who lost their lives to this terroristic act.
Anyone within CAG that lives in Orlando or is visiting Orlando I hope your safe!
CAG NIGHTHAWK (June 12th, 2016),Khaylius (June 13th, 2016),PATRON (June 12th, 2016),xPARCHx (June 12th, 2016)
I feel so bad for those that have lost loved ones. Man we in a crazy mixed up time.
Well I live in Orlando ...
My sister lives like maybe 2 lights from that club .. It's so crazy. We had two of my coworkers call out. Had to work today 9 hours on a mild sprained ankle from playing soccer. But damn it's so scary to see that the worst massacre in US happen in my town.
Yeah,Randy I seen your facebook post that you marked yourself safe not too long after I heard the news of the shootings.Glad you ok man!
Damn crazy,screwed up world we live in.
Honestly and I'ma just say it. Why is the media still worried about the shooter ? Who gives a flying fuck about the damn shooter. Man it amazes me how fast they interview his ex wife, his father among others. and I hate to be negative but these mass shootings aren't gonna stop until I don't even know. When you mention "Deadliest Mass Shooting in America" you've paved the way for some other psyco path to go on a rampage and try to top that number.
Banning muslums isn't the answer people wake up.
CAG JB (June 13th, 2016),CAG SACRILEGE (June 13th, 2016)
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