Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
Today's pub is easily the shallow part of the pool...Parch and I were pooping on people, and then we kept stepping on people with PATRON and Vig. Then we got Fade, and Head. Was crazy simple...keep pub staring.
Batman_OnA_Stick (August 13th, 2016),PATRON (August 14th, 2016)
Love to hear how diverse the group runs with the pub stomping
PATRON (August 14th, 2016)
If you didn't party every night, you'd be up early enough to pub.
Geeze everyone's a ducking critic. Mind yooooooooo damnnnnnnm bidness!
Go to sleep.
Probably will in another 37.5 minutes
PATRON (August 14th, 2016)
PATRON (August 14th, 2016)
Lambjimb0 (August 14th, 2016)
PATRON (August 14th, 2016)