I'm going to try and start my expert tonight because I've been putting off because I wanted to get master prestige.
So if anyone wants to help me they are more than welcome.
Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
I'm going to try and start my expert tonight because I've been putting off because I wanted to get master prestige.
So if anyone wants to help me they are more than welcome.
Batman_OnA_Stick (June 2nd, 2016),DizzleDaddy (June 2nd, 2016),FrankCastle (June 2nd, 2016),xPARCHx (June 3rd, 2016)
Shoot this should be a quick one for ya. I'll be on later. I'm sure you'll have plenty of other witnesses up in there too!
FrankCastle (June 2nd, 2016),iiTz_XenRail (June 2nd, 2016)
Hopefully then I can start my brigade marksman.
You have 2 so far without a fullteam. Shoutout to snea for holding it down !
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Wish I could help.. Been busy packing to leave early in the morning.
If you aren't done in two weeks count me in!!
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Well I'll be grinding my expert and brigade until I've done them
Keep on plugging ahead brother
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