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Thread: Running the Clear Sky Incursion

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
    Chet Norris's Avatar
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    Running the Clear Sky Incursion

    If your wanting to run Clear Sky and need some help getting through. Look me and CAG King Onyx up we can get you through it. We have a pretty good method using the Subway Stairs. To catch us both on during the week is tough since he has very early mornings. But Weekend nights we will run quite a bit later.

    Just Win Baby!

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
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  2. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Chet Norris For This Fucking Post:

    FrankCastle (June 13th, 2016),Khaylius (June 15th, 2016)

  3. #2
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    Still haven't managed to run into Onyx yet and actually catch a game.Timezones always a killer.
    CAG JB

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  4. #3
    Khaylius's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Chet Norris View Post
    If your wanting to run Clear Sky and need some help getting through. Look me and CAG King Onyx up we can get you through it. We have a pretty good method using the Subway Stairs. To catch us both on during the week is tough since he has very early mornings. But Weekend nights we will run quite a bit later.

    I've run it only with a couple of friends. But I am honestly available to run it and see how your method works. Please feel free to contact me anytime you see me online

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  5. #4
    CAG Stud
    Chet Norris's Avatar
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    I'll post up the Method since I never see any of you guys on.

    What you need set up on the Team:

    1. High DPS Solid Toughness Pulse / Flame Turret/Survivor Link/ Over heal
    2. High Toughness DPS secondary (Tank) Pulse / Flame Turret/Survivor Link/ Over heal
    3. Balanced Pulse / Flame Turret/Survivor Link/ Over heal/ Survivor
    4. High Electronics (Healer) 40 to 50 K Flame Turret/ Over heal/ Survivor

    Basically get down the street as fast as you can get the bombs and open the tunnel up. No need to kill off the whole street once it’s opened up.

    Load up make sure everyone has their specials loaded. Hop over the Rig and drop into the Fountain area.
    Stay together (get your Teammates up ASAP if they drop) all run to the Laptop and get it activated. Head to the back left corner behind the sniper building and run down the stairs.
    Once you’re at the bottom drop your turrets on the bottom steps. Healer Watches the door and drops over heal as fast as possible with one other guy. This guy will bounce back from the door to the stairs as needed.
    Tank and other higher DPS guy watch the stairs and concentrate on the heavy’s as they come down. Try to not let them all the way down turrets will distract them keep them down as they come back up.
    Once you have killed the 2 or 3 heavy’s everyone will run back up to the first Box. Lowest DPS guy is the carrier and the Healer has to keep him alive dropping over heals in his path. While the other 2 take out the shot gunners Then get the second box in the same way. If needed the Healer can pop his Survivor link. Since his will come back up pretty quick.
    Once you have the second box in. Retreat back to the stairs. Thin out all that come down while waiting on the Boss to Pop. Once he does everyone loads up and gets on him Pop the survivor links as needed as you ignore all else and just circle and drop him. Once he is down you may need to circle the fountain several times keeping each other up asap while cleaning out the rest of the mob.
    It will take a couple times for each to get their job down. But I have ran this method with CAG King Onyx (Beast Healer) several times with success. GO GET THEM TEALS!
    Just Win Baby!

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
    Experience: 856,619
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  6. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Chet Norris For This Fucking Post:

    CAG ToxicBob (June 22nd, 2016),Khaylius (June 23rd, 2016),StormySGT ELIAS (June 23rd, 2016)

  7. #5
    CAG Stud
    Chet Norris's Avatar
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    Tank should be the carrier, Sorry couldn't edit to include that piece. He has to be able to survive the mortars rolling in.
    Just Win Baby!

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
    Experience: 856,619
    Next Level: 1,000,000

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