Happy birthday toxic!
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This is the place to place that Happy B-day wish!
CAG ToxicBob (May 28th, 2016)
Happy birthday Bob. You better be drinking good beer and none of that cheap rat ass stuff
CAG ToxicBob (May 29th, 2016)
Happy belated Toxic, hope you had a great birthday sir!
CAG ToxicBob (May 31st, 2016)
Congratulations toxic on achieving your 42 beers !!
CAG ToxicBob (May 31st, 2016),FrankCastle (May 31st, 2016)
BIG COUNTRY (May 31st, 2016)
CAG ToxicBob (May 31st, 2016)
BIG COUNTRY (May 31st, 2016),CAG JB (May 31st, 2016)
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