Oh one more things I forgot to add.
I know the Elite rank should be hard but I have yet to see ANY Challenging missions completed without deaths. Any thoughts on this matter?
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Oh one more things I forgot to add.
I know the Elite rank should be hard but I have yet to see ANY Challenging missions completed without deaths. Any thoughts on this matter?
Destroyer ned (May 19th, 2016)
To answer your questions in numerical order -
1/ Weapon awards such as marksman,sharpshooter and expert are used for progression in rank if you check out the rank requirements within CAG.These awards at first where laid out to be the same but under discussion between Cheech and myself it was agreed that these division awards couldn't be further from the same as earning these awards for the division are based on completing missions and not weapons.
2/ All awards threads are posted within their own Company relevant ie CoD Alpha have their own forum to post their awards,so do Bravo,Whiskey and Victor.These sub forums are typically named awards and medals under each Companies name.
3/Not discouraging input here at all as im all for input and discussion on the forums.There has been discussion happening regarding these award elsewhere on the forums(forums you cannot see as a recruit).Cheech is talking about brainstorming emblems or images for the award but like I said previous input is still relevant as you may find that images may be useful to him.
4/Everyone on the forums as im sure you'll understand has other things that come forefront before gaming.The discussions regarding this subject are continually taking place even though you may not be able to see the discussion itself.It takes time to get things like this rolling as every detail has to be agreed upon to suit both CAG and its members alike.With this i ask for patience.
5/ The lay out of the last award being no deaths I feel it shouldn't need to change.
First I want to go over the death scenario,within the division we have two stages of death.One where your agent goes down,is mobile and the revive is really quick and the other is when your agent goes down,ends up incapacitated and the revive is much longer.With all the awards when we talk about deaths we are talking about the state in which your agent becomes incapacitated and needs the longer revive.I have run quite a few missions with CAG BIG COUNTRY as dailys on Challenging and avoided the long ass deaths,so i feel it is achievable with a full squad working together as a team.Also the 3rd of the awards has to be difficult as its the last of the 3 and has to respect the name its going to be known as ie "elite".
Hope this answers you adequately enough.
BIG COUNTRY (May 21st, 2016),CAG CheechDogg (May 19th, 2016),Chet Norris (May 19th, 2016),Destroyer ned (May 19th, 2016)
JB thanks so much for taking point on this and thanks for all your in game help.
My question in regards to advancement is not about earning the weapon ribbons but weather I will be able to earn the rank private first class with the division equivalent of the award marksman possibly being called Agent. I hope this makes sense.
Yeah it does make sense,the rank requirements within CAG's chain of command state that weapons awards ie sharpshooter and expert are part of what is needed to proceed in rank,with marksman essentially being the award always gave a recruit entrance to CAG as a member looking to progress in rank within the clan.
The reason for the different names for these awards is exactly what was stated previously.Under a lot of though and consideration they aren't the same awards with the same meaning as the marksman,sharpshooter and expert.If anything after discussion on the subject I think the only thing that may be similar between them is that the 3 awards ascend in difficulty.
As marksman,sharpshooter and expert are weapon based awards I have been struggling to think of a way in which kills via weapons can be recorded to date with the division and to be truthful I dont think it is possible
Well it would really suck to be held back because I have not been working on Marksman per say but working hard in the Division.
It does not affect your recruitment,come you process date you could be processed as a reserve member.(a member without his marksman award).
I have no intentions of holding anyone back thats trying to put work in.I'm simply maintaining the standards that the weapon awards live up to and stand for within CAG.I try to look out for the best interests of CAG as a clan as well as keeping things fair.
If this was classed as a marksman weapon award then it would be pretty unfair to all those members that earned marksman before the division awards where even being thought of.
Iv been in lobbies with guys on alpha co (CoD)when chasing their marksman and these guys have to work their ass off for this award relying on their team and weapons at hand,Iv worked with people that used to fill whiskeys roster that worked with their team to secure kills(350 to be precise) via weapons and squad alone and that shit was time consuming and took dedication.
This cannot be compared to running 5 missions on the division with a squad just to reach a completion after its done,its simply not the same.
There is no way of recording in game kills on the division.
You spoke of having battlefield 4,have you ever thought of possibly earning your marksman,sharpshooter and expert there as it is another avenue.
StormySGT ELIAS (May 19th, 2016)
I am looking at working on the Marksman that way but will I be able to rank up in CAG and be an NCO with the achievements set forward for the Division. I am asking the leadership for responsibly within CAG whatever you think is needed. My specialty is helping new people and I am a good Public Relations person. I am all about rank but want to work for the privilege to hold rank. it also appears on the roster and chain of command that there are plenty of empty spots with jobs that should be done. This is why I would like to earn rank so I can help fill in gaps that would benefit the clan.
FrankCastle (May 19th, 2016)