Ok, so I wanted to get a feel of the current status of the Division and looked at the Roster and those who posted there interest in the Division thread. I started at the Company Commander and worked down to see how it is working currently. I did not include anyone above the rank of Captain and did not include those who were not really interested in the Division. Let me know if this is correct please.
Victor Company Commander: Captain Gemini
1st Platoon Sgt: Staff Sergeant SEC Jay
Squad Leader: Tastylemons
Fire Team Leaders: LCorp Chet Norris LCorp Destroyer ned PFC Khaylius
Other members: PFC Bedarje PFC f4tl3 sh0w pfc Nattydread26 PFC RelativeAsh
This is what I have atm, sorry for any misspellings for it was a bit dark when I did this and my eyes are getting old.
Frank Castle