Now that some of our leadership roles, such as Squad Leaders, have been filled, it is time to step up our game and ensure Bravo Co. is running as smoothly as it can for every member. Part of this will be having Squad Leaders actively monitor his or her squad members' progression with weapon badges.These badges are part of the criteria we look at when we promote people within the clan. Having charts such as these will definitely make it easier to evaluate potential promotions. Alpha's Squad Leader, Khaaaaaotik, brought this idea to my attention, and I want to give him a shout out on taking the initiative and helping to make everyone's experience better.
I encourage all members (regardless of rank, Company, etc.) to bounce ideas off of one another and speak up if there is something you may want to see be considered for the clan. I am positive our superiors will look into it and evaluate if it can be happen or not. The more input we give, the better community we can create for everyone in CAG. (An example of this is the chat bar feature Cheech tested last week after some interest was shown, and even more recently the Member of the Month thread Sac has reopened due to popular demand)
Below is an example of how it should look. (Again, kudos Khaaaaaotik) Just replace Alpha Squad's information with your own squad's information. Our Platoon Sergeant, Zarmcher , will follow up with each Squad Leader privately, and explain how/when to post these updates. If ya'll have any questions, please feel free to post them here so Zarm and I can assist you with anything.
Please note the following meaning for the letters used in this chart.
M= Marksman
SS= Sharpshooter
E= Expert
BM= Brigade Marksman
Squad Leader
In ProgressKhaaaaaotik M, SS, E BM (4/20)
1st Fireteam Completed In Progress Demon_Killa_187 M, SS, E BM (0/10) Coincadinc M SS (0/5) AlexFinley M, SS, E BM (0/20) SKIP2588 M SS (0/5)
2nd Fireteam Completed In Progress xXzleroy007Xx M, SS E (0/10) bigpmpinmills M, SS E (0/10) Mr Randuken M, SS, E BM (18/20) Gemini_XI M SS (0/5)
3rd Fireteam Completed In Progress Hawk M, SS E (1/10) BigMuffy M SS (0/5) Mitch M SS (0/5) Gr1m_R3ap3r_101 M SS (0/5)