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Thread: ATTENTION!! Fireteam Leaders And Squad Leaders! (and Potential Leaders)

Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4.
Company Commander: Randuken

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  1. #1
    zarmcher's Avatar
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    ATTENTION!! Fireteam Leaders And Squad Leaders! (and Potential Leaders)

    Alright everyone on Bravo who is a Fireteam leader, and in any other position of leadership we need to start cracking down a bit on rules and responsibilities.

    Let's look at Fireteam Leaders Responsibility. A Fireteam leader is in charge of 3 Riflemen under him. He is one of 3 FTL's in a Squad. Just like 3 Squads make a Platoon , 3 Fireteams make a Squad here in CAG.

    Fireteam Leader:
    - Mentor recruits from Day 1
    - Show Recruits how to Navigate Forums
    - Show Recruits how to Obtain Marksmen / How to properly Post
    - Answer Their Questions
    - Weekly Check Ins (Touch Base with your team via PM or Xbox Live)
    - Play with Recruits (if you see them playing without anyone in CAG)
    - Explain Chain Of Command & Code Of Conduct if they haven't already

    Just like a FTL, A squad leader has similar responsibilities. When a recruit is processed (Application Submitted) Platoon Sergeant or Platoon Commander will let you know if you have a new recruit. Only then they'll be placed on a Recruit Sheet. All Fireteam & Squad Leaders are to make sure you guys see that list.

    Once they finish the 2 weeks, then they'll be placed into a Squad Officially. Remember they can play any game they would like and play with any member, the whole purpose of a Roster is so theirs Organization.

    Squad Leader:
    - Mentor FTL's & Recruits from Day 1
    - Show Recruits how to Navigate Forums
    - Show Recruits how to Obtain Marksmen / How to properly Post
    - Answer Member / Fireteam Questions
    - Weekly Check Ins (Touch Base with your Fireteam Leaders via PM or Xbox Live)
    - Explain Chain Of Command & Code Of Conduct if they haven't already.
    - Play with Recruits (if you see them playing without anyone in CAG)

    While you guys are here to have fun but once you take on a Leader role, just understand that it's just the basics. Working together achieves greatness.

    Here is the deal for right now and what I am thinking of doing to make this more organized. I would like to say on Fridays to give me a week report on what is happening for Fireteam leaders and if everything is okay. For example, new recruits, awards, or anything bad. This is for your squad members.

    If your a Fireteam leader or Squad Leader or any position of leadership always check in with your people and see if anyone wants to move up which a lot of us would like to do so we can help bravo grow, check in with them and let them know the process of how to go up it usually requires them to be in the clan for atleast 2 months, have a active presence both on the forums and online, and of course show that they can take it seriously.

    Any questions please come to Me, Batman, or Parch. You can also ask Gypsyoutlaw or Patron on anything as well.
    Last edited by zarmcher; May 9th, 2016 at 05:09 PM.

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  2. The Following 11 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to zarmcher For This Fucking Post:

    Akedes (May 14th, 2016),AlexFinley (May 9th, 2016),Batman_OnA_Stick (May 8th, 2016),CAG CheechDogg (May 8th, 2016),Demon_Killa_187 (May 7th, 2016),DizzleDaddy (May 7th, 2016),Khaaaaaotik (May 7th, 2016),Khaylius (May 16th, 2016),Lambjimb0 (May 7th, 2016),Rastakidbrit (May 8th, 2016),xPARCHx (May 7th, 2016)

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