Just thought I'd post up a review of Tiger Woods 12 here.

Graphics: I'd give this game a score of 8 out of 10. The graphics are pretty detailed, but I can see where it could get better. However, considering these are golf courses there's tons of renderings that could go wrong, etc, and for the most part everything is pleasing to look at. Augusta is a very pretty course to play on, that's for sure. I haven't played all the courses yet, but so far there's a consistency from one to the next.

Audio: Sound effects, etc are good. Not great, but good. The commentary is okay, for the first hole, but afterwards its better turned off. In TW12 you get a caddie that gives you information before each shot, and occasionally it's good commentary, but it can be played without his advice as well, at least from an audio perspective. Overall score of 6 out of 10.

Gameplay: If you've played the Tiger Woods games of the past, then you should have no problems picking up this one. The greens are difficult, and on the advanced difficulties the game is very challenging. On Pro difficulty I will usually pull away easily from the field. If you like a challenge, use the difficulties above Pro. Overall score of 7 out of 10.

Online: Haven't played this yet, but I'm sure it's the same but against people.

Longevity: if you love golf, this game is going to be something you want to play. Just the fact it's the first game on consoles to get Augusta on the game is worth it. I'd say average players may want to rent this only. Overall score of 7 out of 10.

Advice - If you love golf, get this game, if not, then only rent it at best.