Just thought id post this thread for all those that could potentially have the same questions etc.
Weapons wise with the division we all know we got Dmr's,bolt action sniper rifles,lmg's assault rifles,Smg's and shotguns.(Think this covers them all)
So i pose this question to open up the floor for others to gain knowledge of what best fits them in terms of the type of player model they have in game.
Personally I am currently carrying two Smg's (high end),the Vector and the Mp5.The Vector seems to suit my playstyle in game with the Mp5 falling short behind it.Previous to this I was running the Aug which in my opinion is a pretty awesome assault rifle to roll with.(Which im planning on picking up one of greater quality when my Dz level gets to that 75 point.
I still have a lot of weapons to experience with the division over all the classes like the Acr,the M1a etc and i plan on doing just that.
In regards to weapons and everyone else,what do you guys roll out with or what weapons are you aiming to get the hold of to be superior in that end Dz game?