I have it installed n ready to go Battle
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Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
I have it installed n ready to go Battle
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Demon_Killa_187 (April 30th, 2016)
I'm only level 35 or something on PS4, only have like 1 weapon maybe.. But every time I have played I destroyed the lobby
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Demon_Killa_187 (April 30th, 2016)
Demon_Killa_187 (April 30th, 2016)
Mine will be here Mondayish lol Haven't played AW since I was on Xbox One
Demon_Killa_187 (April 30th, 2016)
I passed out last night, I feel so bad. Still in the chat party and everything. Just went up to tuck the girlfriend in, still raging about work, but as soon as my head touched that pillow I was gone. Not sure if I enjoyed AW last night tho, the jumping felt seriously wooden! And I just can't seem to run n gun like I used to. Might practice again now for a bit.
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Demon_Killa_187 (April 30th, 2016)
Demon_Killa_187 (April 30th, 2016)
DizzleDaddy (April 29th, 2016)
Look what came in early! Amazon for the freaking win. Only took 1.5 days to get from WI to TN.
Demon_Killa_187 (April 30th, 2016),DizzleDaddy (April 30th, 2016)
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