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Thread: Run-and-Gun Players

Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4.
Company Commander: Randuken

  1. #1
    HakunaMatataDoe's Avatar
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    Run-and-Gun Players

    Alright, I know I posted on Cheech's thing with the RnG players but I just wanted to see who all is interested in the RnG for Bravo Company? I know I have a few recruits coming in that were talking about it and there are also a few full members I have spoken to about it.

    Now before everyone get their panties in a twist, let me explain some ideas that Patron and I were shooting off each other with this:

    Let's say we have a new recruit come in and he's in a lobby with people who are camping/holding down. If that recruit is antsy and not really having a good go at it, they could get sent to the RnG people and see how they work out. Same thing if we find people who enjoy camping/holding but are with RnG, they can find the camping people to play with.

    I know CAG has a good foundation of camping/holding but we shouldn't turn people away or discourage people from joining just because they enjoy to RnG. There would have to be a bit of work done for the RnG side because the call-outs have to be more intense (instead of just Embassy it could be Embassy-back side or instead of right-side it would be Right side bad spawn rock [we can make the stuff shorter don't worry])

    But I know some people may be a bit bothered because they don't think RnG players will be "team" players when it comes to camping. I'm not going to lie - before I joined CAG, I did nothing but RnG. Yes, I have no problem with camping/holding and thanks to CAG, my k/d and w/l has went up BUT I had to learn to camp. I didn't come it ready to hold down, I was antsy af when I joined.

    An idea for the RnG side of things: If people come in for the RnG, we can ease them into holding/camping and making them a more diverse player. We can show them the spots so if they get on and there's no other RnG players, they can easily hold down with the people who enjoy holding/camping. This can also work for the campers we have, too.

    Bringing in people who are strictly RnG right now or people who are strictly campers can totally make CAG a more badass clan than we already are. We have people who can flip from RnG to camping without a single problem.

    I know I'm rambling a bit but one quick more thing:

    If we have teams that RnG and teams that camp, when we merge together (think our Civil War lobbies, guys) we could help each other set up classes. We can give pointers on what guns to use for holding versus RnG. There are some perks that make absolutely no sense in camping while there are others for RnG that wouldn't seem to help.

    While it will take time and effort to start a RnG thing, especially with working on classes/call-outs and all of that, we could totally do it. Teamwork will be a huge thing when working on it and, I think, in the process of "dividing" RnG/Campers we would be able to make CAG stronger as a clan.

    If anyone is interested in RnG, let me know what game modes you are up for and we can totally test this whole thing out. We can work on all the shit I mentioned and go from there.

    Also, feedback and suggestions would be amazing

    CAG Dogg Level: 37 [?]
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  2. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to HakunaMatataDoe For This Fucking Post:

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  3. #2
    zarmcher's Avatar
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    If we can play test this we can definitely work it out so that this can work, but thinking of 6 people who are R&G calling out all at the same time seems like an issue itself, would work best in small squads of like 4 or 3, kinda like on black ops 2 with the 3v3v3 thing they had that was amazing shit for running and gunning and being tactical * Cooperative. but yeah work on the shit test it and we can see how it goes, but overall everyone should be able to do any play style can really segregate people especially if they dont want to learn.

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  4. #3
    iiTz_XenRail's Avatar
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    Bravo Co 1st Platoon

    I agree with Zarmcher.. We will need to see what people are like in game I know there are a few people who run and gun who have recently joined

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  6. #4
    xPARCHx's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Whoever the higher rank in the lobby decides what is going to be done.

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  7. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to xPARCHx For This Fucking Post:

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  8. #5
    Khaaaaaotik's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    I was straight VMP RnG or agressive sniper before I joined CAG but grabbing an M8 and holding a spot is pretty damn easy to pick up. Also I still am very antsy when to comes to holding down but I find most of the time I try and take the middle area that way I can move around a bit more and if someone goes down on the side I can rotate to hold until they get back while my partner can solo the mid for the time being. I feel like the position of a 'floater' (what I call it) seems to suit me well and works for CAG whenever we are in games.

    I would like to be a part of this RnG group if/when it starts up. I miss me my domination.

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  9. #6
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    I'm definitely up for helping out with this guys, I'd be happy to hop in and out of teams to get them in run and gun or holding depending on what they want, I don't mind either way

    CAG Dogg Level: 35 [?]
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  10. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to C-rumpled For This Fucking Post:

    xPARCHx (April 26th, 2016)

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