I just stick to RedBull, but I think I'm gonna give that a go some time! Need me a new controller too... My right trigger is broken. I'll get one one day...
Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
I just stick to RedBull, but I think I'm gonna give that a go some time! Need me a new controller too... My right trigger is broken. I'll get one one day...
HakunaMatataDoe (April 24th, 2016)
Man did you guys see that video of the dude who drank like 20 redbulls and alcohol and his heart was beating out of his chest?
Monster for me
CAG SACRILEGE (April 24th, 2016)
AlexFinley (April 26th, 2016)
HakunaMatataDoe (April 24th, 2016)
You gonna be on late? I'll probably hop on in a bit
Yasss I will be anyway
Redbull all the way
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AlexFinley (April 26th, 2016),Demon_Killa_187 (April 27th, 2016),Ghost (April 30th, 2016)
I'm doing this Mt. Dew and Redbull thing today at work. ^.^
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Demon_Killa_187 (April 29th, 2016)
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