Discuss Tom Clancy's the Division here
CAG JB (May 10th, 2016)
FrankCastle (May 11th, 2016)
Going to be working on a canned reply at some point today in regards to finalising this for the application option to be created.
I will need those of you that are willing to help any recruits that may potentially apply for the division to post in this thread - http://www.cagclan.com/community/showthread.php?t=44497
The division as we know falls under Victor Co so those within Victor Co that do play the division would be expected to help any division recruits when they find themselves playing the division and have the time to do so.
Once I get this done,I relay back to Cheech that it is completed.Then the option for division applications become made available.After the application is made available on the back end I will then sticky the marksman requirements within the division forums
FrankCastle (May 11th, 2016)
What do you think about adding only kills with your guns to the badges . So we take away the grenade explosive rounds BFB's so there more GUN oriented . Kind of like the COD guys have to do . I'm only saying this after running last night with JB it presents more of a challenge and gun skill
Marksmen - complete 5 mission on hard difficulty . No explosives allowed i.e. Grenades , Explosive Bullets , BFB's . Must be completed with a full CAG member for verification . A screenshot of the Group must be taken at the start of every mission for validation purposes
CAG JB (May 11th, 2016)
I like it,so no accessory's like water or premium rounds that cause any enhancement in the weapons?.
I have the canned reply done and presented in another thread.
I haven't yet posted the requirements for the awards yet as I think this should initially wait until the applications are set up on the back end.
Edit we posted at the same time there,as you have done it would only be a matter of editing this in to the marksman,sharpshooter and expert requirements when it comes the time to post.
BIG COUNTRY (May 11th, 2016)
I'm only saying this because I can solo all the hard mission with my character set up the way he is . That and when I first started playing call of duty with the clan the marksman for me was actually pretty challenging but as I grew as a member the other badges just started falling into place because I learned the play style of a True CAG DOGG . I do not want the weapon badges to be overly easy .
I like where you're going with that JB . Like No explosives , performance enhancers and only defensive skills
I was thinking of it last night when I was briefly online running hards and yes hards are pretty easy to solo especially with a high character build which most people have now as the division has been around a while now.
I would suggest we avoid all enhancements from the d,pad wheel ie the rounds,water etc.We also avoid the explosives as they play a crucial part in walking through hard missions at speed without any regards to your team and also any offensive skills ie the turrets.
Would you consider the pulse in on this though??
StormySGT ELIAS (May 11th, 2016)
The pulse is kind of tricky . It dose mark enemies witch is ok but it also buffs critical hits and critical hit damage so that is kind of enhancing your weapon . And I'm all about situational awareness even without the pulse . You remove pulse and your going to have to communicate more so I'm all for removing that to . Cheech likes the team building and Communication aspect of things so I'm all about removing the pulse too