Maybe you just passed the sisters test. See if your good enough. Chances are if you would have just jumped her she would told you off then told her sister. Thumbs up!
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SECJay (April 16th, 2016)
Had something similar happen to me when the wife and I were dating. Her roommate was a whore and she knew it. My wife/girlfriend at the time had gotten up an left for work. Her roommates bathroom was across the hall from the bedroom I was staying in. I go to get up and leave only to open the door and find her roommate butt naked standing in her bathroom doorway. After the shock of the fact she gave me "the look" wore off I quickly closed the door.
Once she realized I wasn't interested she closed the bathroom door and I left. I meet my girlfriend for lunch and told her exactly what happened. She understood and knew her room at was a slut. Even after this her roommate would still flirt with me and say inappropriate comments.
SECJay (April 16th, 2016)
Destroyer ned (April 16th, 2016),SECJay (April 16th, 2016)
Or you could just pass her off to the lads and let them have a choo-choo of a time.
SECJay (April 16th, 2016)
Destroyer ned (April 16th, 2016),GypsyOutlaw (April 16th, 2016)
"It's a trap!"
SECJay (April 16th, 2016)
That it was sir... I spoke with the fiancé well I say spoke more like bitched at her because she confirmed it was a "test" they have to see whether or not the person is trustworthy to say the least I passed with flying colours..
Am I in the doghouse? No she is big time! If she's to do what her sister has done trust me it's game over I'll have her bags packed In bin bags & will have them thrown out onto the footstep waiting for her sorry ass to get home! I've told her this so she knows I strongly disagree & if she is intact caught doing this oh shits gonna hit the fan! Big time!!!
Destroyer ned (April 18th, 2016)
Ok SECJay I'm going to give you some unsolicited advice. Get out now. I'm not sure how old you or your finance are but this is something you would expect out of a insecure high school girl. All women give men "Shit Tests" in relationships. It's a way to test how much you'll take, what she can get away with, etc... This goes way over that. Not sure how familiar you are with Red/Blue Pill philosophy but it's time to take the Red Pill. I'm my case the roommate was acting out of her own accord. There was no plan. My wife let it slide because the lease was up in two months and she was moving out anyway.
Something else you need to realize is when you marry the woman you also marry the family. You will have to see this woman's sister for a very long time. Not sure I could trust her or the sister after this. After twelve years of marriage I can tell you most people tend to stick to a basic set of behaviors. I can tell you exactly how my wife will handle a situation and she of me. If she's insecure and would put you in this situation now she would do it in one year, five years, ten years, etc.. She may say she's sorry but action always trumps words.
I hope things work out for you guys and again I don't know the full story of your relationship, past relationships, life experience, ect... Take my advice with a grain of salt.
CAG JB (April 16th, 2016),CAG SACRILEGE (April 17th, 2016),Destroyer ned (April 18th, 2016),SECJay (April 16th, 2016)