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Discuss the Rainbow 6 Franchise here
Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Hahaha i have no idea. Just found it and posted it. Maybe cuz im a chicken exposed to and surrounded by cannibalism.
Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
SECJay (April 15th, 2016)
Wait til i do the same to you JAY, you heartless bastard!! Hahahahaha
Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Destroyer ned (April 15th, 2016)
SECJay (April 15th, 2016)
SECJay (April 15th, 2016)
Destroyer ned (April 15th, 2016)
Destroyer ned (April 15th, 2016)
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