Black Ops Series have always set the bar, On PS4 I actually have the highest KD of my COD Career lol not that
it matters but if you play with the Squad it makes thing all that better
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Black Ops Series have always set the bar, On PS4 I actually have the highest KD of my COD Career lol not that
it matters but if you play with the Squad it makes thing all that better
CAG CheechDogg (April 9th, 2016)
Well everyone sit down and listen to some new shit here.. Also maybe grab a beer or something this shit got long.
I haven't played CoD since BO2.
When this game came out I was on every youtube channel looking at gameplays and all the 'new' shit the game had to offer. To someone that didn't know about ADV Warefare and Ghosts this game looks super fun and enjoyable. Some youtubers I found were professional CoD players and I started following that scene.
When going about buying this game I only had a ps3 (which I hadn't played since bo2 basically) and saw a video comparison for ps3 and ps4 and immediately said "Nope, no, not gonna happen. No way in hell I am playing this on ps3." From then on I talked about the game for about 3ish months until xmas came around and my gf bought me a ps4 with cod.
Now it begins.
Im MW2 and BO2 I did all the prestieges and gold/diamond (whatever the top was at the time) camos and it was a fun grind. I really only ever played when my buddies came over in split screen with just the tv sound. Now in BO3 things were different, I'm in a different place in life and now know about the competitive scene and headsets, monitors, etc. I'm still broke so I use my computer monitor to game as it has a 5ms refresh rate and my 32" tv is awkward to play on.
When I got this game, DAMN it was fun! I learned about dark matter and started the grind asap. Then after about 2000 kills I learn about hero armour and realized I wasted 1200 kills that could have been used on another specilist so I semi started that grind. The game has been fun since day 1 and I love the movement aspect. It's super fun to run on walls and create different paths to take to kill someone where you know they are waiting for you. Oh did I mention I fell in love with the snipers on this game. I have no idea why but I love them, never sniped in any other CoD game so this was a surprise to myself and with the movement system and no aim-assist I guess probably a dumbass decision, haha.
After grinding out the Dark Matter camo I had about a week where I felt like the game got boring to play. So I started to go for Hero armor. I had all of it done minus 3 weapons (Hive, Annihilator, Sparrow) which at this point will come whenever it does the grind for that is over for me.
Now I sit here thinking, this game is fun but I have basically done everything. Well not quite, the MP isn't 100% complete. Yup, new grind to work for. I am now working towards 100% on this game and am getting closer everytime I hop on.
To me this game is still super fun and although it started to lack a bit I decided to find a clan to join because the people I found on reddit started to not play so much.
I love playing with CAG although I rarely played HC or TDM and all we seem to play here is HC TDM so that's a change but sparked a new fun level to playing. I can still hop on by myself and grind out games and have just as fun as day 1!
In the end, I think not playing/knowing about ADV Warfare/Ghosts allowed me to experience this game differently then most people and without that prior knowledge my unbiased opinion is this game is damn amazing and fun to play!
(I also think everyone hates the current CoD and once the new ones come out they realize what they appreciate about the old CoDs and realize they shouldnt have been to critical at the time, but then again a new CoD is out and their hate can go towards that one, haha)
AlexFinley (April 10th, 2016),CAG CheechDogg (April 9th, 2016),CAG JB (April 9th, 2016)
AlexFinley (April 10th, 2016),Khaaaaaotik (April 9th, 2016)
i definitely find it fun! i never played Advanced Warfare so i think thats why im not sick of it yet
CAG CheechDogg (April 9th, 2016)
CAG CheechDogg (April 10th, 2016)
I still find it fun. To understand why you have to see where I'm coming from. I've always been a big SciFi fan. Also I've been out of the gaming world for about seven years. I didn't play any of the previous CoDs except Ghosts. The reason I bought Ghost was to get back into FPS games before BO3 came out. The biggest plus is having good people to game with and keep things fun. All and all I'm having fun and like the game.
CAG CheechDogg (April 10th, 2016)
I was getting extremely bored with the game. Now that I have joined CAG it has accomplished two things.
1. Playing in a team and working together is a lot of fun.
2. Players who are not a part of CAG are idiots when they play.
It it is so much fun frustrating the other team when working with the CAG group.
AlexFinley (April 17th, 2016),Bigmak2420 (April 16th, 2016),CAG CheechDogg (April 17th, 2016),SixShot (April 16th, 2016)
SixShot (April 17th, 2016)
I still find the game fun! Because I've still got a lot to do... My hero gear, dark matter and doing all the challenges
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