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Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
C-rumpled (April 7th, 2016),HakunaMatataDoe (April 7th, 2016)
Oh god yeah what a loose cannon he is, he plays by nobody's rules, not even his own
HakunaMatataDoe (April 7th, 2016)
Bumping this as well so everyone can see the setup of the event. Hope to see a lot of y'all today!
C-rumpled (April 9th, 2016)
Great Games today Guys everyone did excellent
Awesome job to everyone today! Sorry my Internet kept kicking me out - hopefully next setup I'll be therebut from what I heard, ya'll did pretty amazing
CAG Member Score CAG_GyspyOutlaw 0 CAG_Patron 0 CAG_Parch 0 Batman_OnA_Stick 3 Zarmcher 9 HakunaMatataDoe 1 Demon_Killa_187 3 UhOhman 0 Mr Randuken 0 C-rumpled 0 Kris7Fantasy 0 AlexFinley 0 Xaliance 0 Crytikillz 5 Fade89 0 Hart5704 0 Hawkerra 1 Davieslovesunc91 0 Mitch 0 Iamsnakeplisken 0 Yaminy615 0 Luhrz001 0 SgtWeedWackr 0 Maxikillerdelux 0 Ronibubb 0 Sckazix 0 XXzleory007Xx 6 ItzKing30 0 Bigpmpinmills 0 Khaaaaaotik 0 SKIP2588 0 Tig_Ol_bittie_10 1 Bonobo617 0 BigMuffy 0 SonofBuckHunter 0 Lambjimb0 0 Ahmed_baki 0 Drac_The_Reaper 0 Gr1m_R3aper 2 FrazzledYou 1
After our first ever Civil War battle on Bravo side, our first results are in! We had a full squad of people participate and I believe everyone can say they had a blast. Special shout out to Zarm and Hakuna for stepping up and hosting this event as I was unable to pitch in this week. Here is a quick run of the point standings as of 4/10/16. Be sure join us this coming week for the next Civil War and a shot to knock off the leaders.
- Crytikillz: 5
- Xxzleroy007Xx: 4
- Zarmcher: 3
Three Way tie for 4th:
Demon_Killa_187: 1
Hawkerra: 1
Tig: 1
******Update as of 4/19/16******
We had an impromptu Cival War today using the new DLC. The participating members included Demon, Zarm, Hakuna, Muffy, and myself. We played three rounds of games that included free for all with only combat knives, search and destroy anything goes, and we pulled one of the most requested games: combat ax dodge ball!! It was very fun to slack off from the grind of multiplayer and I appreciate the activeness of members in Bravo! Remember these Civil War lobbies may take place at anytime and only require a fire team leader who can report the score of the events. Hopefully we can get some more lobbies going through the week to give everyone a shot at reaching the top of the leader boards.
Quick standings as of 4/19/16
1. Zarm (6)
2. Crytikillz (5)
3. Leroy (4)
*****Update 4/22/16*****
We had another spur of the moment Civil War. This one was a late night grind and it was awesome. We played three rounds and used the new maps. The first round included host's choice and Zarm chose Gun Game. The next game mode was chosen by the youngest player in the lobby, and it was Hardpoint on Core. The last round was Sniper Only Kill Confirmed. Here are the new results after these matches!
1. Zarm 9
2. Leroy 6
3. Crytikillz 5
Last edited by Batman_OnA_Stick; April 24th, 2016 at 02:16 AM. Reason: Updated Scores 4/22
Baraabaru (April 12th, 2016)
That's a sizeable lead for Cryt! Can't wait to go against the big guy! Now that would be fun
Baraabaru (April 13th, 2016)
Scores have been updated! Let's have another lobby tonight or tomorrow..