Your best is all I ask for mate
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Destroyer ned (April 3rd, 2016)
SECJay (April 1st, 2016)
I'll try to recruit some players at the local bar and strip club. Seems like a good place to start.
Sent from my XT1030 using Tapatalk
"I once had to beat a man to death with his own shoes..."
Destroyer ned (April 3rd, 2016)
Destroyer ned (April 3rd, 2016)
Destroyer ned (April 10th, 2016)
Who runs the Facebook page for The Division? I believe this would also be a valuable recruiting tool for Bravo side as we are just now picking up steam with recruiting people. The forums here are still the best way to notify people about clan happenings and discuss everything else, although, it is pretty nice to be able to reinforce how organized we are with a sweet looking Facebook page.
I got you guys covered. I wasn't on here for awhile, cuz i got a new phone and couldnt remember my password. I'm down to help recruit.
CAG JB (April 9th, 2016)
I'll start trynna recruit more for sure. I get thrown into matches where people are getting team killed and I help en out. Usually the easiest way to get someone on your side.