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Thread: PS4 Bravo Company Meeting/Discussion

Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4.
Company Commander: Randuken

  1. #31
    Khaaaaaotik's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Just a heads up, I won't be on. I have a couple essays and other assignments that are due early next week. If I turn on my playstation it might be the end to my homework. I may hop in the chat if I have enough work done at the time but more than likly I won't be there. Sorry!

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Khaaaaaotik For This Fucking Post:

    xPARCHx (April 3rd, 2016)

  3. #32
    xPARCHx's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaaaaaotik View Post
    Just a heads up, I won't be on. I have a couple essays and other assignments that are due early next week. If I turn on my playstation it might be the end to my homework. I may hop in the chat if I have enough work done at the time but more than likly I won't be there. Sorry!
    Its all good thanks for letting us know

    CAG Dogg Level: 49 [?]
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  4. #33
    zarmcher's Avatar
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    Just posted in MIA thread figured I'd move it here for more visibility.

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  5. #34
    CAG Stud
    Randuken's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    If the meet up is today I'll be on after 6pm. It's baseball season today

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

    CAG Dogg Level: 57 [?]
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  6. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Randuken For This Fucking Post:

    Batman_OnA_Stick (April 3rd, 2016)

  7. #35
    HakunaMatataDoe's Avatar
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    The meeting will start in about 20 minutes - for anyone who can't make it, I will be taking notes/minutes for the meeting so you can always ask me for a copy or I'll just post it here

    CAG Dogg Level: 37 [?]
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  8. #36
    bertushead's Avatar
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    I'm only ar Skype available

    Verstuurd vanaf mijn GT-I9301I met Tapatalk

    "Share You Love And Be Loved"

    CAG Dogg Level: 45 [?]
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  9. #37
    HakunaMatataDoe's Avatar
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    For those of you who couldn't make it to the meeting:

    Minutes of CAG Meeting 4-3-16

    Called to order by: Batman_OnA_Stick

    Attendees: CAG_Hawk(hawkerra), Batman_OnA_Stick, HakunaMatataDoe, Demon_Killa_187, bloodyginger, DavieslovesUNC91, MonsterKawi_12, BigMuffy, CAG Gypsy_Outlaw

    Introduction of Chain of Command – Bravo Company
    Fireteam Leaders:
    • Crytikillz
    • C-Rumpled
    • Hawkerra/CAG_Hawk
    • HakunaMatataDoe
    • Iamsnakeplisken
    Squad Leaders:
    • Zarmcher
    Platoon Sergeant:
    • Batman_OnA_Stick
    Commanding Officer:
    • CAG_Parch
    Leader of CAG:
    • CAG CheechDogg
    When the roster gets updated, you will need to go to your Fireteam Leader for any issues you have in the clan. If the issue is with your Fireteam Leader, you can either go to another Fireteam Leader or, if the issue is really serious, you can talk to a Squad Leader. If you’re unsure of who your Fireteam Leader is, go to the forums under the Bravo Company Roster.

    Code of Conduct – read by HakunaMatataDoe
    • Along with the Code of Conduct, if you notice another CAG member did not do very well during the game, you do not need to point that out. Everyone will have a bad game eventually. Support your fellow CAG members. If you have a pointer for them, you can let them know but don’t do it a condescending manner.
    Call-Outs, Game and Party Chat etiquette
    • In game, you will be assigned to a position. If you are in the middle and you go down, instead of cursing and then calling out, call out “mid down” and then you can curse if needed. In the time it takes you to curse and then call out, another team member could be shot down already. In doing this, you can possibly save our sides from going down.
    • While in a party chat, if you have your voice chats going from both the TV and your headset, try to turn your TV down if you can. The game volume isn’t a problem but when people’s voices start echoing, it can get confusing and cause distractions. If you need to do it, just give us a heads-up when joining.
    • Another thing in party chat, if you feel the need to absolutely play music in the chat, either turn it down incredibly low or mute yourself. We really don’t want you to mute yourself because then it’s hard for the call-outs (unless you can pull a Batman call-out).
    Posting and Forums Information
    • When posting Marksman, Sharpshooter, or Expert medals you only need to make one thread. When making that thread, you can either post all of your things in one post or make multiple posts under that thread for it but do not make multiple threads.
    • The correct format for posting your medal is:
    o Game #
    o Date:
    o Map:
    o Mode:
    o KD:
    o Witness:
    o Picture:
    • If you ever have trouble finding something on the forums, feel free to send anyone a message – especially the Fireteam Leaders. You can ask anyone where to post things and, if they don’t know, we can all usually find someone who does.
    Badge Rotation
    • When playing in a 6-man CAG team, unless there is a recruit trying for their Marksman, we are going to do badge rotations. We have a lot of people trying to get their Sharpshooters and Experts so, if there are no recruits that need to get it, we are going to rotate. For example, if Demon is trying to get his Expert – we will give him 2 games in a row to try for it. If he gets it, great – if not, we’re still switching afterwards to the next person. Everyone will get 2 games to try for whatever they need and the rest of the team will support them. This will stop one person from getting all their stuff and the rest of the people feel left out.
    • Along with that, just as sidenote: recruits can only go for their Marksman and Sharpshooter, they can’t go for anything else. You also cannot go for a Brigade Marksman unless you have your Expert medals.
    Once-A-Week Scrims
    We are going to start doing once-a-week scrims. These scrims are going to be CAG vs CAG and we are going to do it a couple of different ways:
    1. One side holds down the map while the other side rushes. We will be able to find any weak spots since we know where we camp at. This will help strengthen our team on the pub games.
    2. We all Run-and-Gun and for those people who RnG all of the time, they can give pointers to those that don’t. Let them know what classes and guns are best to use, in their opinion.
    3. We all use the same kind of gun and just mess around killing each other.
    • Along with these scrims, we are going to start keeping scores of the Top 3 in each game. At the end of the month, the Top 3 people overall are going to get a signature banner for the forums. The banners will change like the COD Prestiges. If you get Top 3 your first time, the banner will be the same as everyone else’s, if you get the Top 3 your second time, the banner will change for the Top 3 – Level 2 Tier. Once you reach Top 3 – Level 10 Tier you will get a special surprise!

    CAG Dogg Level: 37 [?]
    Experience: 1,131,134
    Next Level: 1,209,937

  10. The Following 5 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to HakunaMatataDoe For This Fucking Post:

    AlexFinley (April 4th, 2016),Batman_OnA_Stick (April 3rd, 2016),CAG JB (April 3rd, 2016),Khaaaaaotik (April 3rd, 2016)

  11. #38
    Batman_OnA_Stick's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Kuna thank you for going above and beyond with this meeting! This is excellent information that we can continue to use in the future with new members and even as a refresher for old ones. I enjoyed getting people together and believe weekly or biweekly meetings should be something we conduct in Bravo. It ensures everyone is on the same page regarding clan news. It also reinforces our clan policies like the code of conduct and promotes an awesome community that we already love even more.

    CAG Dogg Level: 46 [?]
    Experience: 5,381,013
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  12. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Batman_OnA_Stick For This Fucking Post:

    AlexFinley (April 4th, 2016),HakunaMatataDoe (April 3rd, 2016),Khaaaaaotik (April 3rd, 2016)

  13. #39
    CAG Stud
    Randuken's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Good Stuff I'm one of those who are going for Expert however I like the idea of rotating since 100 kills wouldn't account for all 6 individuals on our team. I was at work today so I like the notes keep up the good guys. As a former lead in CAG I can certainly see the chemistry you guys have. Kudos for the new beginning

    CAG Dogg Level: 57 [?]
    Experience: 35,426,530
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  14. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Randuken For This Fucking Post:

    AlexFinley (April 4th, 2016),Khaaaaaotik (April 3rd, 2016)

  15. #40
    CAG Stud
    Demon_Killa_187's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Jumping on ps4 if anyone is interested

    Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk

    CAG Dogg Level: 37 [?]
    Experience: 1,067,478
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  16. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Demon_Killa_187 For This Fucking Post:

    HakunaMatataDoe (April 3rd, 2016)

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