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Thread: PS4 Bravo Company Meeting/Discussion

Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4.
Company Commander: Randuken

  1. #41
    CAG Stud
    CAG JB's Avatar
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    Good shit Bravo Co.,all I see currently is positivity in the team progressing.Working together weather it be members with members or members with recruits in this positive manner will always have things work the best they can.You all have amazing support structure and guidance with Gypsy,Patron and Parch at high end level of the clan as well as those of you holding squad leader and Fireteam leader positions currently.I only see good things from you all going off forums and activity and long may It continue.
    Last edited by CAG JB; April 3rd, 2016 at 11:31 PM.
    CAG JB

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  2. The Following 4 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    AlexFinley (April 4th, 2016),Gemini_XI (April 4th, 2016),Khaaaaaotik (April 3rd, 2016),xPARCHx (April 3rd, 2016)

  3. #42
    Khaaaaaotik's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    First off great note, sorry I couldn't be there but I feel like I didn't miss much and am up to speed just by reading that post.

    Second, Randuken, recruits can no longer go for expert so put that on hold until you are done your two weeks. You can ask about saving games and submitting them once you are a full CAG member if you want because I do not know that information yet.

    Third, I like the idea of CAG vs CAG! I think it will bring a good dynamic to the clan and be good for morale.
    I am all for the signature banner of rewarding the top players as it gives something to brag about/ strive for and creates some friendly in clan competition.

    On that note I would like to throw out my suggestion that I've been wanting to bring up but was waiting until I knew more members/ was a full member.

    (I'm going to write this as if I never read the meeting notes and as if I suggested it before the meeting)

    My Idea:
    I would like to suggest we have a CAG vs CAG tournament. Either 2v2's or 3v3's or even Fireteam vs Fireteam. The idea behind the tournament would be to have a friendly competition amongst the clan and give members something to brag about/ work towards.
    The tournament would be held on weekends or whenever is convinent amongst members pairing off that week but would be bound to that week so that the tournament would stay on schedule. Teams would pair up and work there way through the bracket ultimately facing off in the finals. Winners would recieve a special banner in their signature that state they are the in-clan winners and everyone on the forums would be jealous :P This banner would be up for grabs every tournament so people who won previously would have to defend their title or give it up to the new champs.

    These tournaments can be adjusted every time to be a new style. (Example: CTF Nuk3town using snipers only). We can vote on the gamemode and weapon choice each time so that it varies by popular vote with the same thing (gamemode/ weapon choice/ map) not happening twice in a row.

    Lastly I would like to suggest that the marksman/ sharpshooter/ expert/ brigade badges all use the "table" tool to make writing out the requirements more clean and easier to read. (See my marksman and sharpshooter threads, shamless personal plug hint hint)

    For the table tool just select 6 rows and 2 columns and fill it in. You can even copy the table in a post, and paste in in your forums new post and it will format it correctly when pasted. (Again see my marksman and sharpshooter, shamless personal plug hint hint.. twice too much?)

    All in all great meeting note again and I think this is the first step towards a great direction for Bravo Company.

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  4. #43
    zarmcher's Avatar
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    Great job on the info written down, please fill me in with more monday day

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  5. #44
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Well that ruling was made after I started my expert so basically I gotta halt it until Wednesday (4/6) Confirmed by Gypsy

    CAG Dogg Level: 57 [?]
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  6. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Randuken For This Fucking Post:

    Batman_OnA_Stick (April 3rd, 2016),CAG JB (April 3rd, 2016),PATRON (April 4th, 2016)

  7. #45
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Great work guys, read all the info and as long as I can get on id be up for the scrims/ tourneys etc! I'm proud to see how well bravo is progressing since I joined early in the year! well done to all the guys who organised and attended this and long may this continue

    CAG Dogg Level: 35 [?]
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  8. #46
    Khaaaaaotik's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Randuken View Post
    Well that ruling was made after I started my expert so basically I gotta halt it until Wednesday (4/6) Confirmed by Gypsy
    I just pointed that out because I am in the same position and Gyspy had informed me on my post in the Weapon Badges thread. I mentioned the asking about saving games because I haven't asked that question.

    At least you only have to wait a couple days. I have another week!

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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  9. #47
    AlexFinley's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Sorry I couldn't make the meeting, I was shattered and couldn't move! Plus had a National meeting today so I've been out from 6am-6.30pm, and just finished my paperwork now (8PM) About to have some food and might pop on for a bit then, will see how I feel after a spot of gaming, but might just be on a couple of hours, another busy day tomorrow, but we'll see about tomorrow night!

    CAG Dogg Level: 37 [?]
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  10. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to AlexFinley For This Fucking Post:

    HakunaMatataDoe (April 4th, 2016)

  11. #48
    Batman_OnA_Stick's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by AlexFinley View Post
    Sorry I couldn't make the meeting, I was shattered and couldn't move! Plus had a National meeting today so I've been out from 6am-6.30pm, and just finished my paperwork now (8PM) About to have some food and might pop on for a bit then, will see how I feel after a spot of gaming, but might just be on a couple of hours, another busy day tomorrow, but we'll see about tomorrow night!
    Hope you feel better bud! Everyone would agree you need to catch up on some sleep.

    CAG Dogg Level: 46 [?]
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  12. #49
    AlexFinley's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Hahaha Yeah I've decided to limit myself to one night in a row, not 2 or 3 like I was doing. It was taking me days to recover! As soon as I finally slept I just couldn't cope! One all nighter is manageable! Just popped on briefly but didn't seem like much was happening, so as I have a solid day planned tomorrow, I'm gonna catch some Z's for now. Might pop on tomorrow for a bit, though I'll be pretty tired with what I have planned, but I'm basically intending an all nighter possibly Wednesday night

    CAG Dogg Level: 37 [?]
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  13. #50
    zarmcher's Avatar
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    alright Alex, sounds good you take it easy now man, no need for those 2-3 day all nighters like you were doing, just take it slow and easy.

    CAG Dogg Level: 38 [?]
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