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HakunaMatataDoe (March 28th, 2016)
So can I borrow the Halloween Collection .... pretty please lol
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Here's my Video Game / Movie collection ... which has nothing on yours
It won't even scratch the surface
Not even the tip ....
Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
You can always have just the tip, Randy
But every collection starts somewhere
I haven't seen like... 95% of those movies.
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R the Halloween movies in the 4k edition blueray
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Lemme hold that Drawn together collection there, XD, where's the disney section Simba
Randy - I'm not sure if the Halloween are Blueray or not, I'd have to go look and frankly, I'm too damn lazy right now
A lot of these movies (well, some of them) are banned in a couple states because of the gore of them. My uncle is friends with a few directors and stuff so when they make a new movie, they send him a message. (Not big time directors, just...a lot of Indie directors)
And the Disney movies we have are like 100 movies that we got awhile ago. A lot of the early Disney movies up until now
Kool I watched the minions yesterday I have that in my closet I probably should've bought a bigger shelf but oh well that'll do for now
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xPARCHx (March 28th, 2016)