If they stand up, put them back down.
Update or start your Expert Badge thread here
If they stand up, put them back down.
Twenty-Fifth Baam (March 22nd, 2016)
Oh yeah I forgot no scorestreaks. Whoops guess this one doesn't count.
If they stand up, put them back down.
CAG CheechDogg (March 22nd, 2016),Twenty-Fifth Baam (March 22nd, 2016)
Everyone needs to remember the purpose of these badges and medals. They are objectives we strive to accomplish, while most are individual we still work on as a team which we should take pride in achieving.
AlexFinley (March 22nd, 2016),Batman_OnA_Stick (March 22nd, 2016),CAG CheechDogg (March 22nd, 2016),Twenty-Fifth Baam (March 22nd, 2016)
This is so on point! If anyone needs help getting badges/medals our squads will do everything we can to ensure you have a shot at achieving your goals. You may have to bust your ass, but you'll get better at the game and chances are you will have fun doing it with your team. That's true teamwork as Cryt alluded to in his post. Any achievement in life, whether big or small, you should never cheat or lie to achieve it. That completely defeats the purpose of it. This applies here within the clan and anywhere else in life.
xPARCHx (March 22nd, 2016)
AlexFinley (March 22nd, 2016),Bigmak2420 (March 22nd, 2016),C-rumpled (March 23rd, 2016),Ghost (March 22nd, 2016)
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