Haha he knows he'll have more chances, it was just hilarious when it happened. He was half laughing/half crying
Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
Haha he knows he'll have more chances, it was just hilarious when it happened. He was half laughing/half crying
Batman_OnA_Stick (March 21st, 2016),Uhohman (March 21st, 2016)
I say we take this matter into the Court of the Good People ....
HakunaMatataDoe (March 21st, 2016)
Oh UhOh... haven't we taught you to wiggle around while you camp? Not only does it keep you from getting kicked... it also makes it slightly less likely that you'll get shot by a random lucky bullet!
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By which I mean a blind shot while rounding a corner.
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Left side on combine is my weak spot since its gypsy's home away from home. But I got right wall ride covered like a boss
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HakunaMatataDoe (March 21st, 2016),PATRON (March 21st, 2016)
Cryt, if you would have been there and heard his reaction when he got kicked from the game, it was priceless.
That's the side I usually cover, Havoc haha
Stay strong growth UhOhMan time will fly just wait.
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