Hey guys r6 pro league is on! I would def watch to learn new stuff. Great way to improve is to watch people that are better . Where to barricade walls, line of site(angles ) etc. A lot of great stuff !
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Hey guys r6 pro league is on! I would def watch to learn new stuff. Great way to improve is to watch people that are better . Where to barricade walls, line of site(angles ) etc. A lot of great stuff !
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Destroyer ned (March 5th, 2016)
It was right on the main page when I logged in. But this is what it's called
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
CAG JB (March 4th, 2016)
Thanks man saves me of having to drag the tv off the wife to check then get moaned at lol
Bailiff3205 (March 4th, 2016)
"I once had to beat a man to death with his own shoes..."
CAG JB (March 4th, 2016),Destroyer ned (March 5th, 2016)
Destroyer ned (March 5th, 2016),Tastylemons (March 5th, 2016)
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