Hey there Victor Company. I need everyone to subscribe to this thread as it is where all the Official promotions within Victor will be announced, as well as any special award notifications.
And to kick it off I would first like to congradulate Tastylemons on his promotion to Squad Leader with the Rank of Corporal! Great job man and keep up the work! I have played with Tasty for a while now and he is always helping new recruits and answering questions when he can. Well deserved and keep striving to move up.
Secondly I would like to announce a group of promotions.
Congratulations to Desstroyer Ned who was promoted to Lance Corporal and will be taking command of Fireteam 1 in place of Tastylemons. Great Job man and keep helping get those recruits in the door.
Congratulations to Chet Norris who was promoted to Lance Corporal and will be taking the position of Fireteam Leader for FT 2. Good job man and keep it up!
Lastly Congratulations to Bailiff3205 who was promoted to Lance Corporal and will be taking the position of Fireteam Leader for FT 3. Awesome!
I would also like to inform those who were not promoted but reached out to myself or CAG JB in my absence about their interest in moving up that i have not forgotten about you. There are a bunch more spots on this roster that need filled. Also there will be positions needing filled with the upcoming competitive team. Keep posting, helping out new recruits, and making kids look like fools for challenging CAG on the battlefield!