Who is scranboy9?
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Update or start your Marksman Badge thread here
No he is not. He is a registered user. He is not on the roster. He never even put in an application. In order to be a Reserve they must do everything as everyone else except the marksman. I have said this multiple times. You guys know this. Get with him and inform him he needs to go through the process like everyone else.
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Kris7Fantasy (February 22nd, 2016)
Kris7Fantasy (February 25th, 2016)
Congratulations Kris7Fantasy you are now officially a member of the CAG Family my Man !!! You have been awarded the rank of Private 1st Class with the Rifleman Billet ...if you wish to continue ranking up in the clan make sure you stay active on the forums and you work on your Sharpshooter and Expert Medals ....Welcome to the Family !!!
xPARCHx (February 28th, 2016)