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Thread: R6 Strategies And Tactics!

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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaylius View Post
    Yeah, I've Turtlebeach XO SEVEN Pro. They are really good. The cons: your own team mates moving or talking too much about stuff (not game related) can cover those noises at the worst moment

    Couldn't agree more with that buddy,chit chat in game about irrelevant topics is always a step towards a loss for your team before you even begin a game.
    CAG JB

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bailiff3205 View Post
    Also, I have noticed that targeting enemy's with drone or cameras can actually hurt you. Once you find the objective on attacking stop targeting them and find a spot that will help you and ur teammates breach the room and know we're people are . On cameras don't tag anyone , then they will shoot cameras out. USE COMMUNICATION!!!

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    What I have noticed with cameras,a decent player will take the cameras out regardless of weather they are being tagged or not,to limit this u can specifically communicate like you say.Sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't.
    You will notice when someone is manning the camera but not tagging by the red glow on the camera.Recently I have played where a lot of good players spot this and take out the camera regardless of not being tagged.
    So my advice with defensive cameras is simple - get on them,get your Intel,communicate it and get off them as quick as possible.
    CAG JB

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  5. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG JB View Post
    What I have noticed with cameras,a decent player will take the cameras out regardless of weather they are being tagged or not,to limit this u can specifically communicate like you say.Sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't.
    You will notice when someone is manning the camera but not tagging by the red glow on the camera.Recently I have played where a lot of good players spot this and take out the camera regardless of not being tagged.
    So my advice with defensive cameras is simple - get on them,get your Intel,communicate it and get off them as quick as possible.
    Yeah. Also, do not move them if they are in a nice spot. Enemies can hear them moving and destroy them. Same goes with the environment cameras. Set them in a good angle to get the best view, then hop on them without moving them

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  7. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG JB View Post
    What I have noticed with cameras,a decent player will take the cameras out regardless of weather they are being tagged or not,to limit this u can specifically communicate like you say.Sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't.
    You will notice when someone is manning the camera but not tagging by the red glow on the camera.Recently I have played where a lot of good players spot this and take out the camera regardless of not being tagged.
    So my advice with defensive cameras is simple - get on them,get your Intel,communicate it and get off them as quick as possible.
    Yeah I personally destroy every camera that comes in my path , I will also run around outside and take all of them out before entering the building.

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  9. #15
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    When I first started, I overlooked the effectivness of Barb wires. Now their my equipement of choice.

    Sometimes I'll use it to cover my rear or around a corner, when I'm holding a position. Enemies tend to make noise when going through it, helps to alert you.

    What gadget of choice to you guys prefer while defending?

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  10. #16
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    Me personally I would prefer a shield put in a door or c4 for attackers with shields . I do see what you mean with the barb wire , does make noise and will give a enemy position away real fast.

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  11. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bedarje1991 View Post
    When I first started, I overlooked the effectivness of Barb wires. Now their my equipement of choice.

    Sometimes I'll use it to cover my rear or around a corner, when I'm holding a position. Enemies tend to make noise when going through it, helps to alert you.

    What gadget of choice to you guys prefer while defending?
    This is correct. Another tip then for Defenders: Bandit has to choose the barb wires and put them at the doors then close them, while putting the batteries on the wire but inside the room. Some attackers will try to get at the door and will do two errors. First, they get in the wire, making noise, second they get damaged and even make more noise if not dying at all (it happened a few times). Also, this makes doors impenetrable to drones at start. Requirement for this is that there is a Mute in the party and you do not have many walls to protect. Frost is quite new, but the thing I try to accomplish with her is to get to a window or door, put on a barricade if there is none, put the mat on the ground and then tear down the door/window and then up again. This way debris will partially cover the mat, making it harder to spot. Also, put the mat in the most regular way, to have it blend with environment lines (like carpets or wooden floor, or furniture). Mute in the preparation phase should put the jammers in a way to stop drones, and then move them to walls/windows as the action phase starts. This gives some initial advantage. Also, when shielded attackers are in sight (although this is pretty hard) they have a VERY small part of their helmet pop out above the shield even when they are not moving it. If you get that, it's a headshot....
    Attackers: Addendum for Ash, the shield I was referring to are the ones you put down in the rooms, not the one brought by Blitz or Montagne or Fuse. Also if the defender is bringing it around (I honestly dunno how to do it) before planting it on the ground, it will work effectively like attackers' shield, you cant shoot him through it nor Ash's exploding shot will work (will just fall to the ground). IQ can use its device to see through smoke. It works a little like a night goggle, completely ignores the smoke, so you can see the persons in and behind it. If you are going with some smoke grenade, it makes IQ finally useful especially when you have a couple of them in a room. Sadly IQ cannot see the electronics of a person while he is checking cameras, which is a pity...

    As before, I'll add as I get more on my mind

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