Have You Seen This------ [name] Has Been From the Match By FAIRFIGHT TM*
I had no clue what this was and have been seeing it lately while playing. This is a anti-cheat that works with the server's , so if you get caught cheating you will be removed from the game and potentially can get banned from the game for a period of time. Now I have no clue on how many chances you get, and don't care to find out. BUT doing the KAPKAN, CASTLE cheat etc could result in getting REMOVED and BANNED from the game . I am assuming if you are able to read this you are apart of CAG, which I am assuming they are STRONGLY against cheating/hacking at any level! Figured would share some info I found out today .
CAG Dogg Level: 37 [?]
Experience: 1,076,327
Next Level: 1,209,937