is it possible to create a reserve list so that we can maintain who is about on the ps4 that is not on bravo company's roster
Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
is it possible to create a reserve list so that we can maintain who is about on the ps4 that is not on bravo company's roster
We could. Would we just add extra squads on as they get filled up then. I have 11 rifleman spaces available and with the recruits coming through they will almost fill them
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Cheers Bro il have a look
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Blackbeard (February 1st, 2016)
I've had a browse at the roster and I believe that is what we are currently using. I was unsure of what to do when the roster is full. Is another squad added or a whole new platoon
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CAG JB (February 1st, 2016)
Will do sac. I am going to start speaking to the inactives to see if they want to be moved to reserve or they need to increase their activity both in game and on the forum
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CAG JB (February 1st, 2016),CAG SACRILEGE (February 1st, 2016)
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