Hi to all recruits in bravo company how are you all doing and let me know who wants to rank up in the clan if so message me
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Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
Hi Happy, I'm desperate to complete my marksman, but it seems like whenever I go online there isn't anyone to join, normally HUXLEY is on but never actually playing! My 2 week period is running out and I still need to get 3 more 15/10 games with a witness. I played a few games with Snake yesterday but typically got 14 kills then the game finished and I really want to move up!
CAG JB (February 1st, 2016),CAG SACRILEGE (February 1st, 2016)
Haha what's he done to himself? Normally get online most evenings around half 5 gmt, I am actively working on marksman just want to get it sorted so I can get stuck into CAG properly!
CAG SACRILEGE (February 1st, 2016)
It runs out on 2/2/16 so tomorrow!
Sounds good, thanks chaps!
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