Will be on Xbox One for a week or 2 playing Destiny COD GTA Minecraft and any thing else I feel like playing
Will be on Xbox One for a week or 2 playing Destiny COD GTA Minecraft and any thing else I feel like playing
HEADHUNTER1030 (March 25th, 2016)
AlexFinley (March 25th, 2016)
How about getting on blops3 now biatch .... I honestly see no activity on xb1 COD ....
I'll be on in about an hour
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Ok Xbox COD Players get your game faces on
we are coming over to fuck shit up NOW
Bigmak2420 (April 1st, 2016)
Sweet hope your still on when I'm able to play later
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
DAMN Do I need to post on how to turn on and Xbox and load a game lol
where is every one
CAG JB (April 1st, 2016)