Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
CAG CheechDogg (January 25th, 2016)
CAG CheechDogg (January 25th, 2016)
I know I'm relatively new here, but this is another reason that I'm glad I joined a clan like CAG. A group that's greater than one person and is willing to help others that call this clan home.
Happy I don't know that I've spoken to you, but I'm glad you've decided to stay.
CAG CheechDogg (January 25th, 2016),CAG JB (January 26th, 2016)
CAG CheechDogg (January 25th, 2016)
CAG JB (January 27th, 2016)
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